A study of a relationship between leadership style and job satisfaction in five homes of the elderly in the Western Cape

Master Thesis


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University of Cape Town

This is a quantitative study that was done in five homes of the elderly in the Western Cape where 51 nurses and 9 head nurses were studied This study attempts to determine if there is a significant relationship between a head nurse's leadership style and job satisfaction of nurses she/he supervises. The instrument used to determine the leadership style of head nurses is the Least Preferred Co-worker (LPC) scale. This scale identified 3 head nurses as task motivated leaders and 6 as relationship motivated leaders. To measure job satisfaction the Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) was used. This instrument provided total satisfaction scores of nurses and it also gave satisfaction scores of different aspects of their job. The results of the study showed the existence of the relationship between these two leadership styles and the job satisfaction of the nurses. The results also indicated similar fluctuations patterns in the job satisfaction scores of nurses in both task and relationship motivated categories. On one hand nurses under task motivated leaders had higher overall job satisfaction scores than the nurses under relationship motivated leaders.

Includes bibliographical references.

