Managing for performance

Master Thesis


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University of Cape Town

Provisional Liquidation? The results depict a perspective of the utilisation of a performance management approach to managing people in a very uncertain environment as well as the learning that took place, and also provides a review of the context in which the research methodology, which in this case was Action Research, was firstly chosen and then utilised. The format of the work was done in an Action Research format due to the ongoing nature of the work that was being done as well as the involvement of the researcher as a participant in the work. The research took place through a number of learning cycles, which were mapped out relative to a model of management; to show the reflection and inquiry that took take place. The chapters are designed to generate a greater understanding of the key concepts being used in the thesis. The Introduction paints the background to the thesis, the Methodology explains the philosophy behind the research project, Systems Thinking describes a few of the tools used in interpreting the situation, Models of Performance Management takes us through the established bodry of knowledge, Action Research Learning details some of the cycles of action followed by learning that takes place, Creating a Model of Performance Management attempts to synthesize the learning in such a way that the body of knowledge about Performance Management is enriched, and lastly the Conclusion summarises the paper and provides some implications.

Includes bibliographical references.

