Participation in professional cycling : the experiences of young cyclists from disadvantaged communities

Master Thesis


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University of Cape Town

As an occupational therapist enjoying recreational cycling, I became aware of the potential positive value of participation in cycling. Cycling, however, is considered an elite sport, with participation reserved for those who can afford it. The Cycling Club is a Subsection 21 company (Not for Profit Organisation) attempting to bridge this problem through the promotion of cycling in South Africa’s poorest communities. They provide opportunities for young people from disadvantaged communities to participate in cycling. Their aim is twofold: to help youth develop their skills as cyclists; and to enable them to develop their potential as human resources through their participation in the programme. Taking an occupational perspective, it has been proposed that occupational engagement in meaningful occupations can contribute to the development of people as individuals and members of society. Yet, one should be cautious not to assume that participation in cycling will necessarily result in change for cyclists and that all contributions are necessarily experienced as positive. Every cyclist is a unique individual coming from a particular context which, through participation in cycling, results in certain experiences. Consequently, this study intended to uncover the experiences of young cyclists from disadvantaged communities participating in professional cycling.

Includes abstract.

Includes bibliographical references (leaves 95-100).

