An Analysis of the role of governance on effective programme management - A case of Namibia Mass Housing Development Programme Management - A case of Namibia Mass Housing Development Programme

Master Thesis


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University of Cape Town

Namibia has been praised for having rigorous policy frameworks that address various national development challenges. Over the years, the country has introduced various policy initiatives to address the housing challenge in the country. However, implementation of such policies and programmes faced various challenges resulting in suboptimal outcomes and consequently, a situation where such programmes are abandoned, and new ones are introduced with little learning from past experiences. This paper, analysed the role of governance on effective programme management using a case study of Namibia’s Mass Housing Development Programme. The findings highlight governance challenges, as one of the key contributing factors to failing programmes. A qualitative approach was employed in gathering data using face to face in-depth interviews with the informants who represented the target population in the study. The paper contributes to the body of knowledge on the importance of governance which public policy and programme makers can draw lessons from for effective programme implementation.

