Prizidilol : analytical methods and in vitro metabolism by hepatic enzymes

Doctoral Thesis


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University of Cape Town

Two separate assays for prizidilol have been developed. One relies on separation by high performance liquid chromatography, and the other on separation by thin layer chromatography. Both of these methods have several advantages over the existing assay developed by JC Pearce for Smith Kline and French Ltd. (SK & F). Firstly, both methods utilize pepsin to digest plasma protein since it is known that precipitation with trichloroacetic acid of the protein leads to losses by binding at different rates of prizidilol and of the internal standard. The SK & F assay might therefore be less sensitive and precise than necessary. Secondly, use of the complexing reagent, quinolin-3-al, leads to greater sensitivity of detection than the reagent, anisaldehyde, previously employed. The minimum level of quantitation of the developed assays are approximately 30 μg/1 by HPLC and 15 μg/1 by TLC, as against 50 μg/1 by the earlier HPLC method originating from SK & F laboratories. Finally, the TLC method is much quicker to perform than the previous assay.

