A study of the phytoplankton of the South Western Indian Ocean

Doctoral Thesis


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University of Cape Town

Although the phytoplankton of the waters off the west coast of South Africa (the Benguela Current region) has been the subject of several detailed studies in the past, data on that of the S.W. Indian Ocean has been almost entirely restricted to incidental references in the reports of expeditions which have passed through the area. Consequently, little has been known of the species composition and distribution of the phytoplankton, and nothing of its seasonal fluctuations. This study was designed to provide a broad picture of the phytoplankton of the area, the primary objective being a critical determination of the species composition. The material was collected by the S.A.S. Natal on four seasonal cruises in the area as a contribution to the International Indian Ocean Expeditions. A net-sampling technique was used to provide the maximum amount of material for quantitative analysis. The phytoplankton was found to be extremely rich in variety, 402 taxa being identified from the 98 samples collected. Of these 233 were diatom taxa, 157 dinoflagellate taxa, and the remainder being composed of members of the Chrysophyeeae (coccolithophorids), Cyanophyceae and Xanthophyceae. These are listed in the systematic section together with original references and other references used by the author for their identification. The local and general distributions or the taxa are described and many of the taxa are illustrated by line drawings or microphotographs. 5 new species are described, as well as 1 new variety, and it was found necessary to provide new names for several species. Full systematic details are given for all new or rare taxa.

