Globalization, the Changed Global Dynamics of the Clothing and Textile Value Chains and the Impact on Sub-Saharan Africa

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University of Cape Town

This paper outlines the dynamics of global clothing and textile value chains. In addition, it focuses on how the economies of Sub-Saharan Africa have been drawn into these globalized value chains, enabling the development of clothing industries in a number of less developed, poor countries. It begins by setting out the dynamics of the changing nature of the global clothing and textile value chain in order to contextualise the global trading patterns. The next section deals with what is left in the industrialized countries and what aspects of the chain have shifted to developing countries. This is followed by a detailed discussion of global trade, employment and investment, which provides the context for analysis of the demise of the Multi Fibre Agreement (MFA) and the impact of China on global clothing and textile value chains post-MFA. The final section discusses the importance of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) for the development of Sub-Saharan Africa industrialization. The chapter ends with a number of policy conclusions.

