Initial OMP results for the South Coast rock lobster resource OMP

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University of Cape Town

Some initial results following the development of an OMP framework for the management of South Coast rock lobster are presented here, corresponding to a constant catch scenario and runs of a CPUE-tuned-based feedback control rule. First though, the assumptions made for the OMP testing are listed below. Assumptions required for future projections for OMP testing Summary of current assessments (note 2005 refers to the 2005/6 season): • Fit to CPUE and CAL data up to and including 2005 • The assessment includes observed catches for 2006; thus the assessment ended at the start of 2007 i.e. projections start at beginning of 2007 • However the 2007 catch is now known • The OMP thus needs to sets its first OMP TAC for 2008 • The OMP will use model-generated CPUE from 2006 • The OMP TAC for year y will use CPUE data from 1974 - (y-2), and catches from 1973 to (y-1). In programming terms, the population projection commences at the start of 2006, though with fixed catches until these are first set by the OMP in 2008. When projecting the population forwards for the simulation testing of various OMP candidates, a number of assumptions need to be made for the operating models to be used.

