Proposed catch control rules for horse mackerel bycatch in the small pelagics fishery and directed catch in the midwater trawl fishery

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MARAM, University of Cape Town


University of Cape Town

This document summarises the results of recent work on the development of rules for setting limits on horse mackerel catches. Section 1 describes the development of a revised Precautionary Upper Catch Level (PUCL) Rule for the horse mackerel bycatch in the small pelagics fishery. A specific proposal for implementation is put forward. Section 2 considers the directed catch allocation in the midwater trawl fishery, and investigates a number of simple experimental Management Procedure (MP) control rules , based on future CPUE and survey results, that would allow cautious increase of the current constant TAC for this sector of the fishery, with the aim of benefitting from the current likely underutilization of the resource. Results are provided for a number of candidates MPs amongst which a choice needs to be made. Appendix A provides results from an updated assessment and projection model, while Appendix B sets out the mathematical details of these models.

