Assessment of the South African sardine resource using data from 1984-2011, with some results for a single stock hypothesis
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MARAM, University of Cape Town
University of Cape Town
Although the base case operating model for the South African sardine resource was updated from the last assessment (Cunningham and Butterworth 2007) to take account of new data collected between 2007 and 2010 (de Moor and Butterworth 2011a), the International Review Panel for the 2011 International Fisheries Stock Assessment Workshop suggested some revisions to this model (Smith et al. 2011) before it is used in the development of a new MP.
de Moor and Butterworth (2011a) proposed two base case operating models; one which estimated random effects about adult natural mortality over time while the other assumed constant (time-invariant) adult natural mortality. The inclusion of the random effects was in response to similar changes made to the base case operating models for anchovy (de Moor and Butterworth 2011b). Smith et al. (2011) suggested rather that a base case with constant natural mortality be used.
de Moor, C. L., & Butterworth, D. S. (2012). Assessment of the South African sardine resource using data from 1984-2011, with some results for a single stock hypothesis. MARAM: University of Cape Town.