Kinetics of the activated sludge process

Doctoral Thesis


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University of Cape Town

The writer decided to submit, for the purposes of the degree, a selection of the more important papers on the kinetics of the activated sludge process. These papers chronologically trace developments in the kinetic theory, from aerobic steady state behaviour to aerobic, nitrification and denitrification behaviour under cyclic flow and load conditions in multi-reactor systems including aerobic, anoxic and anaerobic reactors. Also included are papers reporting research, on biological excess phosphorus removal. Application of the research to design is illustrated by including a copy of a design manual written for the Water Research Commission of South Africa, to which the writer and his group made a major contribution. The reader will note that not a single contribution in the list selected was written by the writer alone, however, the research undertaken at the University of Cape Town in the fields described above was carried out under his direction. In this endeavour approximately 35 students participated, over a period of 14 years, to the common purpose of fulfilling the overall objectives set initially. The multiplicity of aspects to which attention had to be given is evident from the research reports listed in the Curriculum Vitae. In reading through the papers submitted one will notice that, due to the long time span over which they were written, ideas necessarily changed, and it may not be easy at times to see the common thread that passed through all. For this reason it was thought useful to give a review of the considerations that entered into setting up a model describing the kinetics of carbonaceous material degradation. This model forms the foundation on which denitrification and biological excess phosphorus removal are readily grafted; understanding of the carbonaceous degradation model facilitates understanding of the other two phenomena.

Consists largely of published works.

Includes bibliography.

