The potential for alternative technology to supply the energy needs of the rural population of South Africa

Master Thesis


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University of Cape Town

This report is aimed at evaluating the potential of alternative energy devices to satisfy the energy requirements of the underdeveloped rural regions of South Africa. A literature survey of the energy requirements of the inhabitants of such regions is first undertaken. Thereafter energy conversion devices using solar energy, wind energy, biogas, hydro energy, human energy and wood as their energy sources are evaluated according to their efficiency and "appropriateness" in supplying their energy needs. In each of the above categories a brief description of the energy source is given. Thereafter a survey of the typical village-scale energy conversion devices is given. It has been attempted to give at least one example of the more common devices and applications of each energy source. However, some subjective editing of the more expensive or impractical devices has been necessary. In each section, information is given on the availability of that particular energy resource in South Africa, and the potential of that resource to supply the rural energy needs is evaluated. Cost analyses are carried out, assuming funding by means of a 'soft' loan over the estimated life of an energy conversion device. Information covering many village-scale alternative energy devices has been assembled under one cover. It is hoped that this will guide those embarking on the development of alternative energy supply devices along the most appropriate path.

Includes bibliography.

