Energy utilization in the domestic sectors.

Master Thesis


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University of Cape Town

In South Africa the domestic sector is an important energy user. Information is available on how much energy is supplied to this sector but little is known about how this energy is utilized. The purpose of this thesis is to try and gather information on this area of domestic energy utilization. As the domestic sector is made up of a large number of mall users a selected sample of the users is needed to provide information which is representative of the sector as a whole. A postal survey was used to gather information from a representative sector of the White community. This method was unsuitable for the Black sector but information on Black household energy usage was obtained from a Department of Health report. With the use of a postal survey of a sample group to estimate results for the sector as a whole, inaccurate results will occur unless the sample is truly representative of the sector. To ensure this, independent figures for the income per household and the number of urban and rural households were obtained and the sample results weighted accordingly.

Includes bibliographical references.

