Browsing by Subject "Afrikaans and Netherlandic Studies"
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- ItemOpen AccessAspekte van die poësie en lewe van Ingrid Jonker(2001) Coetzee, Michélle Elizabeth; Snyman, HenningI did a historiographical study of the poet, Ingrid Jonker, because I am convinced that the way in which she wrote is as important as what she wrote. The term 'historiography' refers to the way history is done, and I wanted to show how Ingrid Jonker 'did' her poetry.
- ItemOpen AccessDie alter ego in die romans van Etienne Leroux(1990) Borman, Martha M; Snyman, HenningDie konfrontasie tussen die mens en sy alter ego (die "antler" in die psige) is nie 'n onbekende verskynsel nie. Sedert die vroegste tye het filosowe en skrywers na die alter ego verwys en korter gelede het 'n aantal psigiaters, sielkundiges, antropoloe en literatore die dubbelganger/alter ego as studieterrein gekies. Onder andere word die feit beklemtoon dat die fenomeen van die dubbelganger of alter ego nie net 'n versinsel van filosowe of skrywers is nie, maar 'n patologiese realiteit wat met intrapsigiese konflik verband hou. Voorts word aangedui dat die frekwensie van die verskyning van die alter ego in die literatuur die eienaardigheid van die lewe en die kompleksiteit van die menslike psige beklemtoon. In die eerste hoofstuk van hierdie studie is daar 'n uiteensetting van die verkenning verskillende vakgeleerdes.
- ItemOpen AccessDie digterlike gesprek by Johann de Lange : 'n psigoanalitiese studie(2004) Fritz, Dawn; Hambidge, JoanDie werk van Johann de Lange word as vertrekpunt in hierdie studie gebruik, maar die poësie van ander digters soos Sheila Cussons, N.P. van Wyk Louw, Ina Rousseau en Joan Hambidge, wat almal op een of ander wyse 'n invloed op De Lange uitgeoefen het, sal ook betrek word.
- ItemOpen AccessDie kulturele betekenis van die eerste Afrikaanse geskrifte tot 1900(1940) Fourie, Margaretta MMy doel met hierdie studie is nie om 'n geskiedenis van die Afrikaanse Taalbeweging te gee nie. Ek wil slegs aandui hoe die genootskappers en ander stryers vir die Afrikaanse saak hul gestelde doel, n.l. om die nasionale gevoel van die volk aan te wakker en die volk te oortuig van die waarde van sy eie taal, deur die uitgee van Afrikaanse geskrifte probeer bereik het. Ook is my doel nie om te let op die literere waarde van die werke of om die geskiedkundige uiteensettinge daarin aan die waarheid te toets nie. Ek wil net maar 'n studie maak van die rol wat hierdie werke in die verwesenliking van 'n nasionale oplewing gespeel het.
- ItemOpen AccessDie moeder- en kindmotief in die poësie van M. Nijhoff(1952) Meiring, Lillian YvonneDie moeilikhede waarvoor 'n mens by die studie van so 'n groot kunstenaar stuit, is veelvuldig. Die bron van Nijhoff se poësie is sy worsteling met belangrike lewens- en sielsprobleme, wat by deur middel van 'n verskeidenheid van telkens terugkerende motiewe tot uiting bring. Soos by alle groot digters, vorm Nijhoff se werk egter so 'n hegte eenheid dat dit feitlik onmoontlik is om een van die motiewe afsonderlik te bespreek, sonder om ook al die ander aan te raak, want hulle word gedurig in- en deurmekaar gevleg en oorvleuel mekaar telkens om 'n harmoniese geheel te skep. Wat ek dus probeer doen het, is om eers 'n begrip van sy probleme in 't geheel te gee, en dan die moeder- en kindmotief, wat as 't ware as leidraad dwarsdeur sy "oeuvre" loop, te bespreek.
- ItemOpen AccessDie Nederlandse slot -en in Afrikaans(1946) Verhage, Jan Anton
- ItemOpen AccessDie poësie van Ingrid Jonker(1971) Driesse, Oliver Edgar; Lindenberg, E; Van der Merwe Scholtz, HVan Ingrid Jonker is slegs drie digbundels gepubliseer, waarvan een postuum verskyn het. Ten spyte van hierdie skrale oeuvre het haar poësie by verskillende kritici hooggestemde waardering uitgelok. In In Memoriam Ingrid Jonker bespreek Uys Krige etlike van Ingrid Jonker se gedigte op verskeie van sy uitsprake kom ek in my bespreking van Rook en oker terug en konstateer hy o.m. dat "in haar beste (werk) Ingrid Jonker haar eie individualiteit en persoonlikheid, haar eie stem (het)" (p. 53). Hy vind "die beste van Ingrid Jonker se gedigte eersterangs", en meen dat "in Rook en oker … minstens twaalf eersterangse gedigte (is) wat 3) myns insiens sal bly staan in ons letterkunde". Krige spreek ook sy verbasing uit dat Dirk Opperman "My pop val stukkend" nie in Groot verseboek opgeneem het nie - hy sê dis "sonder twyfel … vir my een van die merkwaardigste moderne gedigte wat ek ken"
- ItemOpen AccessDie skrywer as hermafrodiet(2001) Groenewald, Ilse; Snyman, HenningIn hierdie studie ondersoek ek die skrywer as beide 'n Hermaforditus en 'n Narcissus in groot lierauur. Ek wys uit hoe die skryfaksie self 'n Narcissistiese bedryf is en dat die skrywer, sowel as sy teks, Hermafrodities van aard is. As Narcissistiese figuur, het die skrywer noodgedwonge 'n sekere selfbheptheid met sy stof en die sentrale vraag word dan gestel: In hoe 'n mate moet die skrywer distansie hê van sy stot? Ek lê aan die begin van die studie, 'n paar algemene opvattings oor beide begrippe uit en gaan terug na die oorsponklike mite en legendes van beide die figuur Hermafroditus en Narcissus. Daar word dan ook gekyk na sekere sosio-kulturele opvattings van hierdie begrippe en hoe al hierdie konsepte dan herleibaar is tot die groot literatuur.
- ItemOpen AccessA discussion of the elements of fantasy and children's literature applied to Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone and The Magician's Nephew, to conclude whether or not they are good children's literature(2002) Meyering, Sharon; Snyman, LydiaUsing the principles of previous studies of children's literature and the psychological development of children, this work examines the literary texts, Hany Potter and The Chronicles of Narnia, to determine whether or not they succeed as good fantasy literature for children.
- ItemOpen AccessDissonansie in die digkuns van Antjie Krog(2000) Olivier, H M; Hambidge, JoanAnthie Krog's poetry from the beginning caused a stir in the educational, church and academic circles. This was not only because of her forthrightness about sensitive issues, but also because of the new manner in which she used Afrikaans. Dissonance which continually manifests itself in her poetry, reflects the fact that, as a feminist poet in a strongly patriarchal society, she rejects the marginal position of women in a phallogocentric world.
- ItemOpen AccessDe geschiedenis van een jonge god : mythe, primordialiteit en de representatie van de archetypische adolescent en jonge man in werken uit de moderne Afrikaanse literatuur en de wereldliteratuur(2002) Schaffer, AlfredThe characters and narratives depicted in the Greek mythology are all archetypal concepts. They are depictions of the primordial and the unconscious of the human being. Characters in a literary Work. can be interpreted within this primordial framework. Also, a text itself, or the form that a text is presented in, is able to show signs of the archetypal and mythological narrative. This comparative study investigates and tests the assumption that literature from different linguistic and regional backgrounds, can be brought back to the depiction of a corresponding archetypal and primordial being. A literary work of art, in the form of a novel or poem, enjoys the same universal appeal or value as a literary work from a completely different region, language or period, through its use of elements from the mythological archetype. I have chosen for the Greek mythology because of its influence in the Western art. The mythological figure of the adolescent and young man illustrates this hypothesis. The representation is split into different sub-characters, different ids: Ganymede, Apollo, Narcissus, Hermaphrodites and Cyparissus. All conform to different aspects of the archetypal young male character. The classical theme of the adolescent and young man is presented as a connection between literary works that initially seem heterogeneous. Each chapter highlights one specific mythological character, his original mythological context and his representation and influence in and on modern literature. To achieve the contrast between old and new, I have chosen pieces from the 20th century only. Within the framework of one study, a complete and exhaustive research is impossible. Still, to support my argument, I have tried to feature as many different sources as possible. Not only did l use Dutch and Afrikaans authors, but also South African, English, German and American authors and poets, as well as a French, Spanish, Czech and Japanese author. As a conclusion I can state that the archetypal concept of the adolescent and young man, clearly underlines the primordial nature of literature. The same motifs keep returning in art, also in ""new"" literary movements and types of discourse. Secondly, it appears that Cyparissus can be seen as not only a general symbol for the adolescent and young man, but also as a mystical symbol for the universal and primordial nature of art, and the ultimate ideal of the writer as an artist.
- ItemOpen AccessLetterkunde en die dood : onmoontlikheid en die moontlikhede van die teks(2007) Smith, F A H; Snyman, HenningThe vantage point of this thesis is that literature, as an art form directed at life, at a portrayal of life in all its complexity, is exactly for that reason most closely concerned with death. Being specifically not a study of literature about death, but rather literature and death, it is an inquiry into the manner in which literature treasures death as a condition of its existence. The subtitle expresses the central hypothesis explicitly: The possibilities of the text are largely dependent on the text's commitment to impossibility. The assumption that underpins this formulation is that death is the utmost possibility - the impossibility! - of any cognitive endeavour.
- ItemOpen AccessLiteracy, social identity and difference in Newtown and Bellville South(1998) Malan, Liezl; Henning, SnymanThis dissertation uses ethnographic material to critique South African adult literacy policy. Recent policy documents, I show identify people who lack six years of formal schooling, and particularly people in this position who are also classified as blacks, women and people in rural areas, as being in a deficit position. Not only are they regarded as illiterate and therefore having a technical deficit, but policy documents also describe their "illiteracy" as a marker of their social deficit as marginalised people. Policy makers argue that the deficit attributed to adult literacy target populations can be effectively redressed through formal literacy interventions. I indicate that policy makers' arguments are based on interpretations of statistics .that fail to reflect the complex forms of literacy and the multiple social identities of people in the "target population" and also on a theoretical approach to literacy and which dichotomizes the cognitive, social, cultural and linguistic attributes of "oral/illiterate" people and those of "literate" people.
- ItemOpen AccessM.E.R. as skryfster(1949) Jordaan, Helena Perold
- ItemOpen AccessA metaphorical characterization of D.J. Opperman's Komas uit 'n bamboesstok in terms of relevance theory and the contemporary theory of metaphor(2009) Van Rooyen, Ian William; Snyman, HenningSimilar to previous academic papers on the topic of relevance, this dissertation too responds to specific claims proposed by relevance theory. The relevance-theoretic account of the recovery of metaphorical interpretations is of particular interest and is considered relative to the assertions of Lakoff and Johnson (1980, 1999) and Lakoff and Turner (1989), proponents of the cognitive linguistic approach to metaphor. The study has three distinct parts. It firstly explores the treatment of metaphor within the framework of Relevance Theory. Secondly, it argues via the assertions of the Contemporary Theory of Metaphor that the relevance-theoretic treatment of metaphor is in violation of one of its fundamental claims about cognition, namely, that human cognition tends to be geared to the maximization of relevance. Thirdly the salience of the cognitive-linguistic view of metaphor is illustrated through the metaphorical characterisation of D.J. Opperman’s (1979) volume of poetry, Komas uit ‘n bamboesstok.
- ItemOpen Access'n Bydrae tot die sintaksis van die werkwoord in Afrikaans(1942) De Villiers, M (Meyer), 1913-
- ItemOpen Accessn Kritiese ontleding van die jongste benaderings ten opsigte van die onderrig en evaluering van Afrikaanse letterkunde in die hoërskool(2001) Hammann, Hermanus Johannes Richard; Snyman, HenningThe meaning, value and aim of this study lie in the awareness and identification of problem areas in examination of Afrikaans literature on high scholl level, usually pertaining to Grades 11 and 12 learners, taking Afrikaans as First Language (HG) subject. An exposition and analysis of the most recent literary theories have been researched in practice and a report has been compiled. The method used as that of a questionnaire, completed by teachers (subject heads) of 19 schools in the Western Cape. This questionnaire represents a 10% sample of schools falling under the Western Cape Education Department, who offer Afrikaans as a first language HG subject in Grades 11 an 12. These 19 schools are representative of 12 types, i.e. socio-historically privileged schools, socio-economically disadvantaged schools, rural schools, urban schools, big schools, small to medium schools, technical high schools, agricultural schools, special schools, private schools, schools previously categorised by House of Representatives and schools previously categorised by Cape Educational Department (CED).
- ItemOpen Accessn Mosaïek van sitate: André P. Brink se Inteendeel as historiografiese interteks(1999) de Vries, Izak Daniël; van Heerden, Etienne[pg 58,98,139 is missing] lnteendeel (On the Contrary) does its title and mottoes proud by challenging the status quo surrounding the representation of historical occurrences. The text is an exhibition of the way historiography is created and fictionalised. It masquerades as an ordinary historical novel, but is not A number of postmodernist strategies are employed to draw the reader's attention to the "fraudulent" nature of the book. Chapter one explores the theoretical backdrop against which lnteendeel is to be read. It also lays the foundation for all other discussions in this text. There will be a clear emphasis on Linda Hutcheon's views on historiographic metafiction as a human construct, Brain McHale's research regarding the shift ·of the dominant, Jacques Derrida's deconstruction theory wherein the splintering of the "Logos" is celebrated, Brian McHale's study on postmodernist fiction and Roland Barthes's theories on the multivalence of codes. Chapter two investigates the way narrative time and the lack of chronology is used as delaying tactics to hamper the reader-' s experience of the-narrated time - a strategy to draw the reader into becoming a fellow creator of the text rather than a merely passive receiver of information. A brief comparison between the English and the Afrikaans texts produces more evidence of the narrator's purposeful "tampering" with the temporal order in the two novels. Chapter three explores the characterisation in Brink's book, by comparing it to the other novels written on Barbier, namely 'n Man om te hardloop and Wydsbeen, as well as the original material written in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The characters occurring in lnteendeel, from the seemingly historically correct Barbier and Allemann to the historically misplaced Joan of Arc, the fictional Don Quixote, to the mysterious Dora Bothma, happen to be a series of codes built up from a large amount of intertexts rather than attempts at being believable historical constructs. In chapter four the spatial settings are investigated. Together with the main character, Barbier, the reader is taken on a series of journeys to historiographical zones created around the Cape. These zones used be places where cultures and ideologies met and clashed a long time ago. In this border region a rich historiographic treasure occurred from which Brink borrowed generously and purposefully. This chapter also investigates the way the historical texts, as well as earlier Brink novels like Looking on Darkness and An Instant in the Wind, recurs throughout lnteendeel. The last chapter supplies a brief summary of the findings contained in the thesis. In conclusion: lnteendeel is a playful text, inviting the reader to join in a creative process where the ability to create through narrative is given preference over historical correctness. This thesis accepts the invitation, but limits its own narrative scope with a taut, theoretical first chapter, and a firm decision to concentrate the research on Inteendeel, with special reference to its English sister text, the other two novels on Barbier and the historical documents listed at the back of lnteendeel. It does, however, acknowledge many of the novel's other intertexts over the course of its own creative involvement with Inteendeel.
- ItemOpen Accessn Ondersoek na die invloed van rekenaar-bemiddelde kommunikasie op Afrikaans met verwysing na internasionale gevallestudies(2005) Brunette, Christiaan; Van Heerden, EtienneThis study considers a range of literature resulting from research in non-English computer-mediated communication and compares the findings with observations of Afrikaans computer-mediated communication. Case studies in Arabic, Japanese, Swiss, Catalan, Greek and Portuguese computer-mediated communication are drawn upon to determine broad characteristics of non-English computer-mediated communication. Examples of Afrikaans computer-mediated communication, sourced from several synchronous and asynchronous digital environments, are then compared to these general characteristics. The study concludes with a proposed set of general characteristics of Afrikaans computer-mediated communication.
- ItemOpen Access