Browsing by Department "French Language and Literature"
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- ItemOpen AccessAlain Mabanckou et la pigmentation de l'edition francaise(2016) De La Roche Souvestre, Marie Arielle; Cornille, Jean-LouisIn 2006 for the first time in the history of French literature, five out of the seven most prestigious French literary prizes were attributed to foreign writers. To the signatories of a manifesto published a few months later, this meant that francophone writers no longer belonged to the margins of French literature. Indeed, a restructuring of the literary landscape was in order. They demanded that French and francophone literatures be merged into a single literary field which would be known as the world literature in French and within which authors would not be differentiated according to their nationality. Non-French writers would no longer be edged out into specialized collections, thus only reaching a very narrow and very specific readership. Today, few of the desired changes can be observed. The signatories' continued reliance on major Parisian publishing houses is a clear indication that France remains at the forefront and centre of French-language literature. A close look at the editorial journey of Alain Mabanckou, one of the manifesto's most fervent advocates, corroborates this statement. While he made a gradual progression towards Gallimard's illustrious Collection Blanche, he is still systematically portrayed above all as an African writer through the use of racialised paratextual elements. The deep-rooted hegemony of France cannot be toppled overnight. After situating Alain Mabanckou's position within the literary hierarchy thanks to an analysis of his editorial journey and an overview of his works' paratextual representation, this dissertation delves into the author's usage of fiction as a means of sensitising readers to the struggles of non-French writers. A three-tiered evolution can be observed throughout his career beginning with an unconditional admiration for France in his first novel Bleu-blanc-rouge (1998). He then adopted a more patriotic stance in African Psycho (2003a) by advocating creative authenticity before overtly criticising France's rigid literary and language conventions in Verre Cassé (2005). Interestingly, he also praised the United States' growing role in facilitating the creative process for French-language writers - an interesting lead for future research.
- ItemOpen AccessAnalyse thematique de : Ngemena de Paul Lomami Tchibamba(2003) Mukenge, Arthur Ngoie; Cornille, Jean-LouisSeveral reasons motivated me to choose the subject: THEMATICS ANALYSIS OF NGEMENA. Ngemena is a novel by Paul Lomami Tchibamba, published at first in 1960. However, in comparing all the literatures of the time, Ngemena is one of the books of the 1960, which was awaiting a place in the history of literature. It does not hide its intentions to seek a place in francophone literature of liberation struggle. It also claims to question the mission of civilization. The author is trying to relate events that have taken place in the Africa continent, particularly in Congo (DRC). He gives a concise and precise picture to show what happened from 1950 to 1960 under Belgian rule. This study consists of an analysis of the themes present in the book of Paul Lomami Tchibamba: Ngemena. This analysis allows us to assess and understand some social and political problems during the colonialist occupation in Congo (DRC). The novel relates the story of Paulo. In the boat in which he travels, there were separated compartments according to race, meaning that, Black and White people were allocated compartments that were far from each other. In some instances segregation would seem to be circumvented by assimilation that is when a Black person changes his/her behavior and imitates White behavior. But Tchibamba shows that by loosing his/her roots, this Black person becomes a real slave. During the same period, large number of Western missionaries arrived on the African continent. It was said that this period heralded the birth of Christian faith. The Black people adopted Christian principles, and rejected their culture and traditions. In this way, they found it easier to accept the presence of White people. This invariably led to their dissociation from their roots. There was also the Exploitation of a Black by a Black: This form of exploitation took place in families where some members adopted the White culture and started treating their fellow Black brothers and sisters as inferior to them. These people become more dangerous to their Black folks. The story told by Paul Lomami T. gives a full picture of things as they were and can be analyzed follows: I will explore the history of colonialism by reading relevant literatures; I will attempt to explore all the themes of the novel in order to come to come to an understand of the ideas of the author. My aim is not to advance a comprehensive condemnation of colonization, nor to be apologetic about it. The objective is: reading, understanding, interpreting, and finally comparing the situation as it was before and after colonization.
- ItemOpen AccessAnalyse thematique de quelques contes Nkundo-Mongo(2008) Bosange, Nkaongami Josue; Wynchank, AnnyThis thesis examines themes, characters in the oral tales one of the tribes of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the NKUNDO-MONGO tribe. Catholic priests have collected these tales during and after the colonization period. We have used the transcription of the Reverend Hulstaert. In this society, folktales have a major impact as they express some important rules of the tribe and help to convey their meaning. Also, they can transmit knowledge from one generation to another. The first chapter deals with the ethnology of the NKUNDO-MONGO people, to contextualize the tales. We shall try to give a partial analysis of their crisis of cultural identity. The second chapter compares folktales to other oral genres, such as proverbs, poems, ect., witch they often contain. The third chapter analyses essentially the folktales of the NKUNDO-MONGO tribe. In the first section, we analyses folktales that are linked to NKUNDO's family relationships: relationship between a man and his wife (wives), between a man and his children, and between a man and his brother (s) or sister (s) ... The second section analyses different themes within the tales, among which we find cosmogony, magic, customs, initiation, rituals, conflicts between generations, conflict resolution, ect. The fourth chapter deals with the structure of the NKUNDO-MONGO tales. The work by Denise Paulme on the morphology of African tales was our principal source of inspiration in this matter. The fifth, and the last chapter, describes the impact of modernization on the NKUNDOMONGO folktales. In conclusion, we evaluate the importance of these little know folktales of the NKUNDOMONGO tribe in the understanding and preservation of tribal rules.
- ItemOpen AccessApprentissage de la conjugaison francaise et de la culture congolaise par la chanson de Franco Luambo Makiadi(2005) Ruphin, Pidipidi Gangonde; Edgard, Sienaert[page 2 & 7 missing] There are numerous ways of gaining competency in a language. We learn a language from infancy through contact with family and society. We learn through conversation, stories and song. The stories within a culture convey the dramatic role of language, for instance, a story of a hunter, a farmer, or fisherman. In society, there are many people who struggle to come to terms with French verbs. The problem of the French teacher is to find a natural way to teach such people. The purpose of this study is to present a didactic solution to the problem of communication competence among learners who are battling to master the French verbs. Because song is a natural expression of African culture, it is a readily available tool to aid learners to understand the use of French verbs. The modern world is in constant flux and there is a need to equip learners to cope with the complexities of life in a global village. The choice of songs as a medium of teaching French verbs draws both upon African culture and tradition and equips learners to cope with an international society. Singing is a natural way to learn a language and the choice of this subject is justified by the interest in acquiring a competency in communicating in French. The method is ideally suited for teaching in a school setting, where scholars have a desire to improve their ability to speak French. The song plays a vital role in African culture and is the prevailing medium of expression for African people. In all African languages, song plays a key role in culture and society. There are many varieties of songs. We could classify them into two basic groupings: Popular songs (nonreligious) and religious songs. By using popular non-religious songs, we will be using Congolese linguistics to teach French verbs. Because songs are an anthropological expression of people in society, it is a means of communication, teaching and transference of social mores and culture; it is an ideal medium for teaching a second language.
- ItemOpen AccessC'est de la faute de Colette: L'Intertextualité dans trois ouvrages de Régine Detambel (La Modéliste, Le Jardin Clos, Elle ferait battre les montagnes)(2002) Collett, Anne Elizabeth; Cornille, J-LThis study examines the intertextuality present in three works by Régine Detambel, a contemporary French writer. The works in question are La Modéliste, Le jardin clos and Elle ferait battre les montagnes. The traces of intertextuality in Detambel's works derive from the influence of Colette, who commenced her writing career at the tum of the 20th century a writer whose profound effect on Detambel caused her to devote her essay Colette - comme une Flore; comme un Zoo to a study of the botanical and zoological metaphors for the human body present in her precursor's work. The theoretical aspect of this study is based on Antoine Compagnon' s La Seconde Main which examines the role of the quotation in its broadest sense, as well as Gérard Genette's Palimpsestes, a study of the traces of one author's work in another's. Genette qualifies this terminology by naming the original text a hypotexte, while the transformation thus derived is called the hypertexte. The intertextuality present in Detambel's works is examined on both a literary and a thematic level. The former comprises a study of the quotation within its context as a metaphor derived from Colette's work and transformed by Detambel into a poetic form which transcends that of its origin. The power of the quotation to initiate dialogue - and dialectic - is also studied, together with the role of the reader in both the realisation and the completion of the text. Implicit in this examination is the role of the writer of this study, as reader of both Colette and Detambel. On a thematic level, we examine the concept of a triumphant and inviolable femininity which has its roots in a pagan vision of woman, one which predates any form of monotheistic religion. Colette's influence is also present as a literary style which is visceral and frank, while simultaneously qualifying for the epithet of 'prose poetry'. A female gaze which reverses the stereotypical prerogative of the male gaze is further evidence of Colette's influence. In her role as author, attention is drawn to the fact that Detambel, like Colette, has no declared intention with regard to the reader; her works are entirely non-didactic. It is this lack of intention, a hallmark of both authors' works which renders them universal. For both women, writing was a catalyst in the discovery of both their feminine nature and their writing potential, in a world which today differs little from that in which Balzac described aspirant women writers as "half-women; ones who might just as well be described as men." Two interviews conducted with Régine Detambel, revealed a writer and woman in no doubt as to her identity in both spheres. Like Colette, Detambel succeeds in triumphing over adversity precisely because of, (and not despite), a femininity which is inviolable - and inviolate. So closely does this image conform to that of Colette, that there is no question that Detambel's work is 'Colette's fault' - the irony of which lies in a reversal of the traditionally pejorative connotation of that phrase.
- ItemOpen AccessThe captives are translated, attached at the wrists' : a study of Antillean identities in the works of Édouard Glissant, Maryse Condé and Patrick Chamoiseau(2014) Wawn, Amy; Everson, VanessaThis thesis presents a study of the various interpretations of Creole identities in the French Caribbean, with reference to the literary works of three esteemed French Creole authors, namely, Édouard Glissant, Maryse Condé and Patrick Chamoiseau. Due to the horrific nature of the transatlantic slave trade as well as the arrogance of former colonising nations, the true 'voice' of the slaves and their descendants ? the foundation of Creole societies ? has been largely silenced in the official archives of France, and threatens to disappear irretrievably. The Creole authors I discuss attempt to combat these silences through a rewriting and recreation of history through literature. As a tool in analysing the ways in which these authors have interpreted the silencing and fragmentation of their histories, I present and discuss the metaphor of the transatlantic slave trade as an act of physical and metaphorical translation. More specifically, I suggest that the Middle Passage can be seen as the translation of human bodies and identities from East to West across the Atlantic Ocean, from their origins in the continent of Africa, to the Americas and to the islands of the Antilles. Secondly, I propose that a human being can be compared to a living, literary text that contains a wealth of cultural information, language and history, a text that can be subjected to translation. In order for this metaphor be complete, I introduce a possible translator in the vast system of the transatlantic slave trade, a professional that played a major role in the translation of African captives into 'slave bodies' for France. To demonstrate how these Creole authors have interpreted their past, I discuss selected theories on the translation of a literary text and compare them to the metaphorical and literal translation of a human being. I argue that the various ways in which the literary text resists or complies to a translation into another language may reveal insights into how the transatlantic slave reacted to his own translation into slavery. Secondly, I suggest that the slave's resistance towards hisor her translation into slavery may be seen to represent the resistance that Creole oral tradition displays towards a translation into the strictly linear nature of Western, written narratives. Finally, I conclude that translation can be seen as an act of resistance in itself. In translating their histories from oral tradition, myth and legend into written narrative and specifically into French literature, Creole authors display a resistance to the silencing of their histories in the oppressive narratives of the coloniser. Their literary works can thus be seen as alternative, 'conceptual' narratives that challenge the dominant, often oppressive narratives of our time.
- ItemRestrictedClasse inversee et competence interculturelle : retours d'apprenants debutants dans un context universitaire en Afrique du Sud(2015) Erasmus, Mianda Elizabeth; Everson, Vanessa; Raynal-Astier, Corinne
- ItemOpen AccessCultures sans frontères : cultures et résistance; authenticité et liberté. Césaire, Tchicaya, Achebe, Solaar, N'Dour, Makeba et les ouvriers culturels Sud-Africains(2008) Sharples, Bridget; Wynchank, Anny
- ItemOpen AccessDenise Brahimi 'Nadine Gordimer la femme, la politique et le roman' : traduction et activités traduisantes(2006) Shapiro, Cara; Everson, VanessaThe nature of the translation process, that is, what occurs in the translator's mind when attempting to translate thoughts and ideas from one language to another, remains an enigma. The focus of this dissertation falls within the relatively unexplored field of "process-orientated descriptive translation studies (DTS)" as defined by Holmes (1972). This dissertation aims to contribute to a greater understanding of translation by analysing a number of cultural, linguistic and other difficulties encountered by the translator while translating a French text into English.
- ItemOpen AccessDiversités en langue et littérature françaises (Chamoiseau: un cas d' école)(2009) Marie, Annabelle CorinneLa notion de diversité est aujourd'hui trés en vogue. Nous chercherons à en mesurer les effets dans la litterature contemporaine d' expression française, telle qu' elle se présente dans Ie contexte d'un enseignement universitaire a I'etranger. Si on ne peut que se réjouir des transformations dans la société que reflete Ie mot de " diversite", on doit pourtant interroger I'aspect plutôt vague de ce terme, qui rencontre ceux de " multiculturel" ou de " pluriculturel" sans apporter rien de précis. Nous essayerons donc de distinguer, au long de notre parcours, trois types de diversités dans I'enseignement de la littérature francophone à I'etranger, en nous basant sur un récit autobiographique de l'écrivain martiniquais, Patrick Chamoiseau : Chemin-d'ecole, tel que I'analysent des chercheurs anglophones. Une première definition de la diversité serait purement linguistique : ce serait celie du " créole", ou de to ute autre langue " étrangère" qui entre en contact avec Ie français dans un texte, sans considération de I'aspect politique du texte littéraire étudié. La seconde sera it essentiellement politique : ce serait celie de la " créolité", ou de toute autre langue mineure dans son combat contre la domination du français, qui insisterait sur les aspects politiques du texte étudié. Enfin, la derniére serait avant tout poétique : ce serait celie que pratique Chamoiseau lui-même, en tentant de dépasser les contradictions linguistiques et politiques au moyen de la "creolisation" - par injection de tournures créoles dans Ie parler français. Nous espérons pouvoir en tirer certaines conclusions relatives à I'enseignement de la litterature comme produit multiculturel.
- ItemOpen AccessElaboration d'un curriculum pour la réintroduction du français langue étrangère au Lesotho(2009) Makumane, Makhulu; Everson, Vanessa
- ItemOpen AccessExpression orale d'un public d'adultes de niveaux B1, B2 et C1 à l'Alliance Française de Johannesburg : blocages et remédiations par le biais de l'élaboration et de la mise en oeuvre de fiches pédagogiques(2016) Léger-Broschart, Isabelle; Everson, Vanessa; De Oliveira, RuthThis research and development dissertation researches the oral expression of adults of levels B1, B2 and C1 attending conversation classes at the French Alliance of Johannesburg; it aims to identify obstacles in oral expression and to propose remediation tools. The students were questioned on their expectations, needs and difficulties, and teachers on their needs and course techniques, through questionnaires. Pedagogical worksheets were developed for the teachers, and were implemented in the researcher's own conversation classes, after which learners' satisfaction was evaluated. The pedagogical worksheets presented in this study attempt as far as possible to meet the expectations, needs and difficulties expressed by the learners, and to provide practical assistance to the teachers of conversation classes.
- ItemOpen AccessFrench for refugee service providers(2013) Whitehead, Shelley; Le Roux, Sophie; Everson, VanessaThis dissertation entitled French for Refugee Service Providers, aims to provide a curriculum for teaching French as a Foreign Language to those working with French-speaking refugees in South Africa. Firstly, the context of the project is thoroughly discussed, which substantiates the importance of language for the integration of refugees into the host country. Specific attention is given to the South African situation. This study then provides a review of the literature outlining the most pertinent issues with regards to the domain of teaching French as a Foreign Language (TFFL) and French for Specific Purposes (FSP). Finally, the process as well as the results of a needs analysis conducted amongst a sample of people working with refugees in Durban, South Africa are presented in detail. Based on these results, a curriculum for teaching French to refugee service providers is suggested, together with examples of three lesson plans and two evaluation activities.
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- ItemOpen AccessFunction and meaning of metamorphosis in the Lais of Marie de France(2007) Van Heerden, Helga Dieta; Chandler, Clive; Sienaert, EdgardThe primary object of this dissertation is to explore the concept and the manifestations of Metamorphosis, with special reference to the Lais of Marie de France. In Chapter 1 the all-pervasive nature of Metamorphosis is examined. Attention is focused on the fact that Metamorphosis occurs in all spheres: it may be seen in Nature, in physical development and in many less visible forms such as emotional, attitudinal and moral transformations and transgressions in which it plays a fundamental role. Chapter 2 focuses on the Twelfth Century Renaissance. This chapter serves to emphasize a further aspect of Metamorphosis, that of social change and intellectual development. It thus situates Marie de France in a historical context and clarifies the Zeitgeist to which she was exposed, which influenced her writing and which she in turn influenced. In Chapter 3 I analyze the individual Lais. Marie de France's approach to her material is that her interest lies in the exploration of the emotional, spiritual, moral and attitudinal Metamorphosis which her characters undergo. The analysis reveals the beginnings of a change in genre. A further Metamorphosis of these tales becomes evident when an addition is made to the purely anecdotal material: the authoress adds a Christian dimension and inserts a subtle moral message. In Chapter 4 the findings of the analyses of the individual lais are grouped in order to gain a more precise understanding of the kind of Metamorphosis the various topoi have undergone in the course of the tale. Chapter 5 is devoted to the elucidation of the narratological Metamorphosis the traditional tales undergo in the process.
- ItemOpen AccessImages de la femme dans l'oeuvre litteraire de Sembene Ousmane(1991) Vrancken, Maria do Céu Oliveira; Wynchank, AnnyOne of the main reasons, for the Senegalese author Sembene Ousmane's prominence in African literature of French expression is that he, more than any other male African author, has sought to give to the female characters in his literary works an important role in African Society. This thesis analyses the female characters in Sembene's literary works with the aim of evaluating their importance, the author's attitude towards them and finally Sembene's feminism. The first five chapters analyse the female characters in different contexts, namely marriage, the family, work, politics and religion. the sixth chapter studies the usually avoided subject of the dissolute woman. The last chapter deals with the place given to women in Sembene's writing, ie. the comparison between the number of male and female characters and the narrative techniques which he utilizes to characterize the latter.
- ItemOpen AccessInitial French lessons(2013) De Oliveira, RuthOur French lessons are for students studying French for the first time but should be useful for students in all faculties at all levels, from undergraduate to postgraduate. These lessons are for students studying French for the first time. It is intended to be used in conjunction with the tutorial series (practical lessons, conversation classes and language laboratory activities) on Initial French at the University of Cape Town. Each lesson introduces a grammatical topic with relevant notes and vocabulary. Furthermore, there are some complementary Annexes for those interested in expanding their knowledge in French. The aim of this work is to provide a good basis of French grammar without making a claim to completeness. We hope our lessons will help you to make further progress in your French studies.
- ItemOpen AccessIntroduction de cours de français à l'Université de Fort Hare : étude de faisabilité(2009) Hanslo, Shelley; Everson, Vanessa; Le Roux, Sophie
- ItemOpen AccessL'Art De Persuader Dans Les "Pensees" De Pascal(1968) Jaques, Francois E
- ItemOpen AccessL'élaboration d'un curriculum de français pour les chefs de mission sud-africains(2016) Burger, Marali; Everson, Vanessa; Schmid, KarinThis study aims to develop a French curriculum that is responsive to the specific needs of South African Heads of Mission. Firstly, the context highlights the role of Heads of Mission in the implementation of South Africa's foreign policy against the backdrop of the history of diplomacy and South Africa's international relations under the auspices of the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO). Taking into account South Africa's representation in a total of 31 French-speaking countries, the importance of having knowledge of the French language is highlighted. The subsequent theoretical framework outlines issues related to the teaching of French (including teaching French as a Foreign Language – TFFL), the notion of French for Specific Purposes (FSP), as well as the methodology that inform the practical aspect of this project. The final section presents the results of the needs analysis, the data collection, and the development of teaching material from the collected data. These steps culminate in the development of a curriculum that addresses the needs of South African Heads of Mission. Two lesson plans and an evaluation activity based on the curriculum are also suggested.
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