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- ItemOpen AccessBrits-Kaffraria, 1853-1866(1926) Steyn, Hendrik PIn die behandeling van Brits-Kaffraria van 1853 tot 1866 (dit wil sê vanaf Cathcart se skikkinge tot by die bekendmaking van die anneksasie van Brits-Kaffria) is die bedoeling nie gewees om 'n volledige opgawe te gee van al die besonderhede in verband daarmee nie, omdat dit die perke van 'n skripsie te ver sou oorskry. Daar is alleenlik 'n poging aangewend om 'n duidelike beeld te gee van die belangrikste geskiedkundige gebeurtenisse en ontwikkelinge in Brits-Kaffraria tydens daardie periode. Die gevolge van die anneksasie moes onaangetas gelaat word daar ruimte dit nie toegelaat het nie, en ook omdat sommige van die gevolge hulle waarskynlik lank daarna eers laat geld het en dit sou my te ver van die eientlike gekose tydperk wegvoer.
- ItemOpen AccessThe rural economic development of the magisterial district of Albert since 1865.(1929) Van den Heever, Daniel Johannes GertruidaAlbert 1s situated 1n the North-East of the Cape Province,(see accompanying rough sketch map) bounded by the Orange River.1n the North and by the districts of Colesberg, steyneburg, Molteno, Wodehouse and Aliwal Borth in the Cape Province
- ItemOpen AccessThe Glen Grey Act and its effects upon the native system of land tenure in Cape Colony and the Transkeian Districts(1929) Wiggins, EllaThe first object of this essay is to trace any tendency of the Natives in the Cape Colony to modify their own communal system of land occupation in favour of any system more approximating to the Western ideal of individual tenure or ownership. The significance of any such tendency need not be emphasised. The communal occupation of land is one of the most essential bases of tribal organisation. It is closely linked up with the organisation of the family as an economic unit, as well as with the tribe in that aspect. It is, indeed, at the very roots of the Native family and tribal system. To trace any changes from communal to individual occupation be a part, therefore, of a larger study, viz., of the development of tribal life so as to admit of free economic action by individuals untrammelled by the bonds of tribal custom.
- ItemOpen AccessNederlandse letterkunde aan die Kaap, 1825-1855(1930) Snyman, Jakobus W
- ItemOpen AccessHistological and morphological studies of the endocrine organs of xenopus laevis(1930) Rimer, Gladys E JXenopus Laevis has provided, during the last ten years, the basis of a growing body of physiological enquiries initiated by Jolly's research on reflex action. Its viability in the laboratory and amenability to operative procedure in particular, make it a peculiarly suitable object for investigation. It is regrettable therefore, that existing literature on the anatomy of Xenopus has been directed to elucidating those characteristics which are of especial interest to the Systematists and Morphologists rather than detailed information of a type which is essential to operative procedure. There is in particular no extant account of the endocrine system of Xenopus, although it is evident from superficial inspection that the suprarenal complex differs from that of the more familar Anura. The present enquiry concerns the Thyroid Gland, Pituitary and Epiphyseal Complexes with some observations concerning the possible occurrence of chromophil cells in the kidney of Xenopus laevis. The data have been placed on record specifically and constitution of these organs in physiological operations.
- ItemOpen AccessThe chromatic function in Xenopus Laevis(1930) Slome, DavidIn few Amphibia is the extent of visible pigmentary effector activity as striking as in the case of the South African clawed toad. Nevertheless, there is no account on record of the phenomena of colour response in this species.
- ItemOpen AccessAn analysis and criticism of the English series of the South African "individual intelligence scale" (Provisional Tests-1925)(1930) Rees-Davies, Gladys MatildaIn December, 1924, at the Annual Congress Meeting of the Suid Afrikaanse Onderwysers Unie a paper was read by Dr. H. Cruse on "Intelligence Tests and their applications to the Schools". As a result of this paper it was decided to appoint a Committee to attempt to standardize tests for pupils in South African schools, since no set of tests from any one country can be adequately adopted in any other country in view of the vast differences existing in racial and climatic conditions.
- ItemOpen AccessThe fundamental complex of Western Damaraland, South West Africa(1931) Gevers, Traugott WilhelmEnormous areas of South West Africa, particularly in its central portion, are occupied by very ancient gneissoid and granitic rooks, a great variety of schists and other more or less highly metamorphosed sediment. These ancient rooks, forming as they do the backbone or nucleus of our continent, on which all younger rocks repose as a veneer of varying thickness and continuity are everywhere generally grouped together under the term Basement or Fundamental Complex. For obvious reasons, chief of which are their invariably highly folded and metamorphosed nature and the entire absence of fossils, these ancient sediments and their intrusives have nearly always after the first initiation of geological surveys in most countries of Africa been somewhat neglected and also visiting geologists have generally preferred to devote their attention and limited time to less complex problems, for the solution of which detailed mapping extended over many years was not an essential or indeed a sine qua non. A notable exception, however, to this rule is the detailed early work of Rogers and Du Toit in the northern Cape and of Hall in the eastern and northeastern Transvaal.
- ItemOpen AccessThe Indian question in South Africa, 1900-1914(1932) Adamson, Howard N
- ItemOpen AccessThe civil administration of the South African Republic, 1881-1898(1932) Greef, Gordon M
- ItemOpen AccessDie Kaapkolonie, 1899-1902 : skadevergoeding en die rebelle in ere herstel(1932) Strydom, Christiaan Johannes Scheepers; Walker, Eric
- ItemOpen AccessDie administrasie van Brits Kaffraria(1933) De Villiers, C B
- ItemOpen AccessThe influence of the Gonads on Protein Metabolism(1933) Schrire, I; Zwarenstein, HIt has long been known that the gonads exercise an important effect on the individual, nut only in recent years has it been recognized how intricate and vast this effect can be. From the earliest of times it was common knowledge that gonadectomy in either males or females resulted in sterility. Associated with this sterility were several well marked physical and mental changes, as represented by the non-appearance of the secondary sexual characters, which were shown ti be dependent on the internal secretions of the gonads. The nature of these secondary sexual characters is well-known and the changed in the individual are detailed in all text books of physiology. But the effects produced by these internal secretions have since been shown to be far more complicated involved than had hitherto been thought.
- ItemOpen AccessCombined Anaesthesia in Surgery(1933) Van Zyl, F F du Toit
- ItemOpen AccessDie administrasie van Brits Kaffraria(1933) De Villiers, C BPage with thesis details missingThesis in afrikaans
- ItemOpen AccessMaynier's administration of Graaff-Reinet(1934) Perkins, GMR
- ItemOpen AccessThe Pharmacological actions of Plants of the Genera Cotyledon and Crassula, N.O. Crassulaceae, with other Papers(1935) Sapeika, NormanThe disease known as "Krimpsiekte" (Nenta, Kraamsiekte, cerebrospinal meningitis, Cotyledonosis) has been recognised in South Africa for ma.ny years. It appears in arid parts of the Cape Province, and affects animals which have ingested certain members of the genus Cotyledon (N.O. Crassulaceae).
- ItemOpen AccessThe Griquas of Griqualand East until about 1878(1935) Knoll, Thelma J NI have attempted to write a history of that section of the Griqua people who from 1862 to 1872 lived as an independent nation - the word is their own - in the present Griqualand East. It has not been an easy task, and I am afraid I have not given as clear an account as I should have liked to do. The Rev. William Dower, a London Missionary Society Minister, who lived among the Griquas in Griqualand East for several years, is the only man who has written anything like a history of these people. His book I have used mainly to get an idea of the character of the Griquas and of their social condition while Dower lived with them. For the facts of their history in Griqualand East I had to go to blue books, and to unpublished material in the Archives in Cape Town. I have not had the time to go through all the material on the subject - both in the blue books and in the Archives there is a great deal which I have not touched. In view of the many contradictory statements contained in the blue books which I had at my disposal, it was indeed difficult (due perhaps to some extent to my lack of experience of official reports) to select the correct data. For the history of the Griquas before 1860 I am mainly indebted to Sir George Cory who gives a connected account of a period about which there is very little material.
- ItemOpen AccessThe territorial expansion of the Cape Colony eastward between 1808-1836(1935) Haine, Doreen P