Browsing by Author "Wynchank, Anny"
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- ItemOpen AccessAnalyse thematique de quelques contes Nkundo-Mongo(2008) Bosange, Nkaongami Josue; Wynchank, AnnyThis thesis examines themes, characters in the oral tales one of the tribes of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the NKUNDO-MONGO tribe. Catholic priests have collected these tales during and after the colonization period. We have used the transcription of the Reverend Hulstaert. In this society, folktales have a major impact as they express some important rules of the tribe and help to convey their meaning. Also, they can transmit knowledge from one generation to another. The first chapter deals with the ethnology of the NKUNDO-MONGO people, to contextualize the tales. We shall try to give a partial analysis of their crisis of cultural identity. The second chapter compares folktales to other oral genres, such as proverbs, poems, ect., witch they often contain. The third chapter analyses essentially the folktales of the NKUNDO-MONGO tribe. In the first section, we analyses folktales that are linked to NKUNDO's family relationships: relationship between a man and his wife (wives), between a man and his children, and between a man and his brother (s) or sister (s) ... The second section analyses different themes within the tales, among which we find cosmogony, magic, customs, initiation, rituals, conflicts between generations, conflict resolution, ect. The fourth chapter deals with the structure of the NKUNDO-MONGO tales. The work by Denise Paulme on the morphology of African tales was our principal source of inspiration in this matter. The fifth, and the last chapter, describes the impact of modernization on the NKUNDOMONGO folktales. In conclusion, we evaluate the importance of these little know folktales of the NKUNDOMONGO tribe in the understanding and preservation of tribal rules.
- ItemOpen AccessCultures sans frontères : cultures et résistance; authenticité et liberté. Césaire, Tchicaya, Achebe, Solaar, N'Dour, Makeba et les ouvriers culturels Sud-Africains(2008) Sharples, Bridget; Wynchank, Anny
- ItemOpen AccessIdéologie et esthétique littéraire dans l'Œvre d'Henri Lopes(2001) Mwepu, Patrick Kabeya; Wynchank, AnnyHenri Lopes, from Congo Brazzaville, is one of the most fully rounded writers in the field of modern African literature. This research is concerned with an analysis of the way in which the ideology, which he has embraced, has permeated all his work, with the result that he expresses an ongoing, unequivocal opposition to part of his own society, while it is in the midst of mutating from its traditional origins to a form of Western modernity.
- ItemOpen AccessImages de la femme dans l'oeuvre litteraire de Sembene Ousmane(1991) Vrancken, Maria do Céu Oliveira; Wynchank, AnnyOne of the main reasons, for the Senegalese author Sembene Ousmane's prominence in African literature of French expression is that he, more than any other male African author, has sought to give to the female characters in his literary works an important role in African Society. This thesis analyses the female characters in Sembene's literary works with the aim of evaluating their importance, the author's attitude towards them and finally Sembene's feminism. The first five chapters analyse the female characters in different contexts, namely marriage, the family, work, politics and religion. the sixth chapter studies the usually avoided subject of the dissolute woman. The last chapter deals with the place given to women in Sembene's writing, ie. the comparison between the number of male and female characters and the narrative techniques which he utilizes to characterize the latter.
- ItemOpen AccessL'idéologie d'Ousmane Sembène : de l'œuvre écrite À l'œuvre filmée(2008) Vrancken, Maria do Céu Oliveira; Wynchank, AnnyOf the eighteen films produced by the Senegalese Ousmane Sembène, five are adaptations of his novels and novellas. In the case of Guelwaar, his sixth and last adaptation, it is the novel which he adapted to the film of the same name. Sembène, who considered himself to be a "modem griot", felt that cinema was a more effective medium to reach his people and deliver his message. Once copies of all six films had been obtained, two with great difficulty as they were never commercially released, the cinematic techniques which Sembène used to convey his ideology were carefully studied and then compared to the literary techniques utilised in his writings.
- ItemOpen AccessL'œuvre de Pius Ngandu Nkashama dans le champ littéraire Africain : entre détermination socio-historique et conquête de l'autonomie(2011) Kayembe Kabemba, Emmanuel; Wynchank, AnnyCette étude, qui relève du domaine des littératures francophones, porte, comme l’indique son titre, sur « l’oeuvre de Pius Ngandu Nkashama dans le champ littéraire africain ».
- ItemOpen AccessLa quête de la liberté chez Mongo Beti, écrivain africain(1998) Djiffack, Andre; Wynchank, AnnyMongo Beti, whose real name is Alexander Siyidi Awala, was only 22 years old when he developed his own concept of "freedom". His ideas became public by way of his contribution to the African journal Présence Africaine, published in Paris in the 1950s. Mongo Beti is of the opinion that Africans could enjoy freedom only once independent of their colonial masters. According to Mongo Beti, the colonial masters exploited Africans economically, dominated them politically, and alienated them generally. This work is an analysis of "the quest of freedom by Mongo Beti, an african writer". As regards the approach taken in this work, I will not be following the prevailing mode wherein the author is divorced from his work; rather, I will focus on Mongo Beti as a writer and as an activist. I believe that the knowledge of the life details of an artist can only enrich one's comprehension of his work. The dissertation comprises three parts. The first part focuses on Mongo Beti as a writer and dissident; on his militancy in various organisations such as Amnesty International. It also considers censorship of his works. The second part is a study of Beti's Journal Peuples Noirs - Peuples Africains (PN-PA), a radical Journal with readership and contributors in both France and Africa. PN-PA, owing to its ideological stance, proved a source of irritation to powerful Western nations like France and United States of America. Journals have, traditionally, not been the subject of study in their own right; rather, they were considered a platform for expressing opinions. In this work, I make an attempt to treat PN-PA as an object of study in its own right. The approach is a sociological one. It will enable me to clarify the position of the novelist. The third part of the dissertation analyses Mongo Beti's ten novels, published between 1954 and 1994. The major themes of the novels, namely: the role of missionaries during the colonial period; the conflict between Western and African cultures; analysis of the "myth of Ruben"; and the criticism of dictatorships, are covered in four chapters. It is further argued in part three that there is a clear connection between Beti's writings and the social and political destiny of Africa. The various themes from his works can be divided into four periods: colonial; postcolonial; "the Guillaume" series of novels, and lastly the novel L'Histoire du fou, which indicates a new tendency. The concluding part of the dissertation examines the question of the Institution of African literature, with Beti as a case study. The expression "'Institution of African literature" includes, amongst others, situations whereby African writers are compelled to publish their works outside their native lands, or to rely on foreigners for resources to get their works published. It is argued that such dependence has a marked impact on, among others, the content and accessibility of works by African writers. By focusing on Mongo Beti as an example, it is shown that the activist and the writer are brought together when the question of the Institution of African literature is raised. It is not the purpose of this work to render an apology for Mongo Beti, or to equate him with Francophone Africa or Africa; rather, Beti is merely a case study: an example to illustrate the quest for freedom.
- ItemOpen AccessLe "Mobutisme" : expression d'une volonte nationale ou fiction litteraire(1993) Cohen, Marcel Nessim; Wynchank, Anny
- ItemOpen AccessLe décepter dans la littérature orale de l'océan Indien : étude comparée(1993) Somers, Shehnaz; Wynchank, AnnyThis thesis examines the figure of the Trickster In the traditional literature of the Indian Ocean islands of the Seychelles, Mauritius and Reunion. Originating from a unique blend of cultures, the popular literature of these islands lend itself to a comparative study with other folklore. The first chapter considers various Interpretations of the Trickster and examines this figure in other traditional cultures. In this regard, we consulted the major works done on the Trickster in order to draw, in the second chapter, comparisons between the Trickster figures In these cultures and in that of the Indian Ocean Islands. The third chapter sets out the various structures of the African Trickster-tales as presented by certain theorists. These same structures appear, either wholly or in slightly altered ways, in the Trickster-tales of the Indian Ocean. The fourth chapter, therefore, is a structural analysis of the Indian Ocean tales, which accounts for the similarities and differences that exist between these tales and the African ones. The African and Indian Ocean folktales share a common function: they serve to Instruct and to Impart knoYJiedge. Thus the fifth chapter examines the lessons conveyed by the Indian ocean Trickster-tales and discovers that they can be of a practical, moral or linguistic nature. Certain themes and motifs which appear in the Indian Ocean tales are also recurrent in European and African folktales. The final chapter deals Ylith these themes and shows how they have been appropriated and assimilated into the social and cultural framework of the Indian Ocean islands. Having found that the Trickster appears in all cultures, we conclude this study by establishing reasons for the popularity and universality of the Trickster figure.
- ItemOpen AccessLe thème de la satire dans le théâtre Malawien(2010) Msusa, Naomi; Wynchank, AnnyMalawian theatre, like most theatre in the southern region of Africa, is composed of two distinct forms; oral traditional theatre mostly comprising of masks, music and dance, as well as popular theatre which seeks to follow the definition of modern Western theatre. This thesis seeks to show how, of all the elements inherent in both types of theatre, the theme of satire is a recurrent feature and is often found to be the foundation of both types of theatre. The thesis considers how both traditional and modern theatres explore and exploit satire, and how this theme has contributed to theatre as a whole. It also looks at the history of theatre in Malawi, its role in society as well as the impact it has had on the nation as a whole, for example where it has been used as a social tool.
- ItemOpen AccessLes adolescents dans l'oeuvre romanesque d'Andre Gide.(1982) Wynchank, AnnyThe adolescents in Gide's writings evolve in a manner parallel to that of their author and the genres he uses. His first work the lyrical Cahiers d'Andre Walter, is the diary of an introspective puritanical romantic youth. It is a self-centered work and no details " of human relationship are given. The "traites" which follow, present disembodied stylised adolescents whom Gide seems to be using with a cathartic intention, though with variable degrees of success. One of the effects of the autobiographical "recit", la Porte etroite, is apparently to set him free from his feeling of guilt towards his wife; reconstructing his past in the form of a psycho-drama, he makes his wife responsible for the failure of their union. So far, he has illustrated the effects' of a constrictive puritanical religion on his adolescents.
- ItemOpen AccessSujet : l’analyse du thème "Quête identitaire" et de la forme dans les deux romans de Dany Laferrière : Le cri des oiseaux fous et Le goût des jeunes filles(2013) Kayumba, Viviane Banza; Wynchank, AnnyMy motivation to study Dany Laferrière's novels is inspired by the fact that the majority of studies or analyses made on works from francophone former colonies, are focused on cultural aspects and deal with questions of nationality or social problems. Furthermore, these works, favouring a thematic approach, are considered as testimonial works and are relegated to a lower level than works from the metropole. Formal and stylistic understanding of this literature needs further research. From this viewpoint, Haitian francophone literature still has areas that require deeper investigation. This provides justification for the present research, focused on works by Dany Laferrière, the Haitian francophone author. Two of his works: le goût des jeunes filles (Young girls' cravings), and le cri des oiseaux fous (The screech of crazy birds) are analysed. A big part of these novels is autobiographical. This raises the following questions which we will try to elucidate. Is the author the narrator in those novels? Also, is he the main character, Vieux Os? In le goût des jeunes filles, the narrator is now in his new homeland, in Miami. Through is aunt's character, he drew the picture or the reality of the country of exile. He is also presenting three days he passed with a group of young girls, when he was in Haiti. He remembers how he was initiated to make love for the first time in his life. From there, he depicts the revolt of a young girl, against the oppressing middle class into which she is born. She leaves the perverted circle of her class and joins a group of young liberated girls. Dany Laferrière presents a novel of social observation, which castigates chaotic times created by a sordid dictatorship that results in teenagers' immorality and debauchery. The second novel, le cri des oiseaux fous, set in the time of Bébé Doc Duvalier and the militia, the tontons macoutes, deals with the anguish of the Haitian people, who are afflicted, impoverished and tortured by the dictators. Dany Laferrière depicts violence and abuse of power. The torture inflicted on opponents to the regime deprives mothers of their sons and their husbands, who, in order to protect their lives, are obliged to go into exile. Dany Laferrière stirred my interest because he presents a work of the moment. His novels portray adolescence, dictatorial tyranny and the integration of the exile into a new homeland. Laferrière brings up a worthwhile debate: how to become western when one comes from Haiti (Africa, Asia)? In his quest for identity, the author raises the issues of the contemporary struggle of hybrid identity. The two novels relate the personal trajectory of the author, to illustrate what he has become: a writer. My concern was, firstly, to understand, and to explain through the narrator's socio-historical trajectory, his interest to become a writer. I show that in these works the author projected himself as the narrator. For this phase, I relied on Bourdieu's method "la sociocritique" which allowed me to discover the origin of the author's obsession with the question of identity. He refused to be dictated by politics and wanted to work in the field he chose: literature. This refusal to be constrained is a sign of the search for identity. Secondly, my study has investigated the narrative techniques used by Laferrière, through the analysis of narration. Using one of Philippe Lejeune's works, I examined the relationship between the narrator, the author and the hero. Genette's narratology approach led my way in this study. It is impossible to deal with Laferrière's works as simple examples of francophone literature. At the end of my analyses, I found important literary merit in the organisation of related events. I have shown that Dany Laferrière is a talented writer and his works are an inexhaustible source from which one can draw.
- ItemOpen AccessUne analyse du thème vérité/mensonge dans Monnè, outrages et defis d'Ahmadou Kourouma(1997) Marsh, Janet; Wynchank, AnnyMonnew, the second novel of Ahmadou Kourouma, published in 1990, relates the history of a fictitious Malinke kingdom, Soba, in the north-west Ivory Coast, from pre-colonial times in the late ·nineteenth century to the beginnings of the post-colonial era. One of the aims of the novel is the demystification of some versions of African history, especially histories of the colonisation of West Africa by the French. We demonstrate how Kourouma demystifies some official accounts of colonial history, presenting his account of the period through the eyes of the Malinke. We make a number of references to more modern or less biased accounts of the times which give credence to the Malinke/Kourouma version. Kourouma also traditional African leaders via the character Djigui, King of Soba. The thesis argues that this demystification is effected by making the figure of Djigui a parody of the legendary hero of traditional oral litterature, thereby revealing his true nature. Subsequently we show how, by creating subtle parallels between the characteristics of the traditional leader and the "charismatic" post-colonial leader, Kourouma also defaltes the public image of such personae. At the same time he creates a more universal image of the flaws of those in power.