Browsing by Author "Lund, Christopher"
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- ItemOpen AccessA situational analysis of child and adolescent mental health services in Ghana Uganda South Africa and Zambia(2010) Kleintjies, Sharon Rose; Lund, Christopher; Flisher, A J; MHaPP Research Programme ConsortiumObjective: Approximately one in five children and adolescents (CA) suffer from mental disorders. This paper reports on the findings of a situational analysis of CA mental health policy and services in Ghana, Uganda, South Africa and Zambia. The findings are part of a 5 year study, the Mental Health and Poverty Project, which aims to provide new knowledge regarding multi-sectoral approaches to breaking the cycle of poverty and mental ill-health in Africa. Method: The World Health Organization’s Assessment Instrument for Mental Health Systems (WHO-AIMS) Version 2.2 was used to collect quantitative information on mental health resources. Mental health policies and legislation were analysed using the WHO Policy and Plan, and Legislation Checklists. Qualitative data were collected through focus groups and interviews. Results: Child and adolescent mental health (CAMH) - related legislation, policies, services, programmes and human resources are scarce. Stigma and low priority given to mental health contribute to low investment in CAMH. Lack of attention to the impoverishing impact of mental disorders on CA and their families contribute to the burden. Conclusion: Scaling up child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) needs to include anti-stigma initiatives, and a greater investment in CAMH. Clear policy directions, priorities and targets should be set in country-level CAMH policies and plans. CAMHS should be intersectoral and include consideration of the poverty- mental health link. The roles of available mental health specialists should be expanded to include training and support of practitioners in all sectors. Interventions at community level are needed to engage youth, parents and local organizations to promote CAMH.
- ItemOpen AccessEconomic costs, impacts and financing strategies for mental health in South Africa(2020) Docrat, Sumaiyah; Lund, Christopher; Cleary, SusanOver the past decade, calls to address the increasing burden of mental, neurological and substance-use (MNS) disorders and to include mental health care as an essential component of universal health coverage (UHC) have attracted mounting interest from governments. With the inclusion of mental health in the 2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) there is now a global policy commitment to invest in mental health as a health, humanitarian and development priority. Low and middle-income countries (LMICs) such as South Africa, contemplating mental health system scale-up embedded into wider SDG- and UHC-related health-sector transformations, must address a number of key mental health financing policy considerations for attaining population-based improvements in mental health. Despite ongoing transformations in the South African health sector, there has been an implicit neglect of the integration of mental health services into general health service development. This has been driven in part by a lack of locally-derived evidence in several areas, including: the economic basis for investing in mental health, the current resourcing of the mental health system, opportunities for improved efficiency and equity, and how reforms may be structured and paid for in light of the country's ongoing efforts to implement a National Health Insurance (NHI) scheme. This thesis therefore attempts to address these gaps and aims to generate new knowledge on the economic costs, impacts and financing strategies for mental health in South Africa. This aim is achieved by fulfilling the following research objectives: 1. To examine the impact of social, national and community-based health insurance on health care utilization for MNS disorders in low- and middle-income countries. 2. To examine the policy context, strategic needs, barriers and opportunities for sustainable financing for mental health in South Africa. 3. To quantify public health system expenditure on mental health services, by service level and province, and to document and evaluate the resources and constraints of the mental health system in South Africa. 4. To examine the household economic costs and levels of financial risk protection associated with depression symptoms in South Africa. In the first part, the systematic review reports on the impact of social, national and community based health insurance on health care utilization for MNS disorders in LMICs, published until October 2018. As a secondary goal, the systematic review identifies whether there are any specific lessons that can be learnt from existing approaches to integrate mental health care into financing reforms towards universal health coverage. In the second part, a qualitative examination of the policy context, strategic needs, barriers and opportunities for sustainable financing for mental health in South Africa was conducted through a situational analysis that was complimented with a synthesis of key stakeholder consultations. The findings provide recommendations for how scaled-up mental health services can best be paid for in a way that is feasible, fair and appropriate within the fiscal constraints and structures of the country. In the third part, the thesis then empirically quantified public health system expenditure on mental health services, by service-level and province for the 2016/17 financial year, and documented and evaluated the resources and constraints of existing mental health investments in South Africa through a national survey; achieving one of the highest sample sizes of any costing study conducted for mental health in LMICs. In the fourth and final part, a household survey study was conducted to determine the level of financial protection for persons living with depression symptoms in the Dr. Kenneth Kaunda health district of South Africa, which is serving as a pilot site for the NHI. The household economic factors associated with increased depression symptom severity on a continuum are reported; and demonstrate that financial risk protection efforts are needed across this continuum. The thesis concludes by synthesizing findings towards an improved understanding of the key lessons that can be learned from other LMICs toward sustainable financing for mental health; the economic burden of inadequate mental health care to households in South Africa; and the efficiency of existing mental health investments and inequities in resourcing and access. Through this lens, and borrowing from the experiences of other LMICs, recommendations for key priorities for health service and financing reforms towards the scaled-up delivery of mental health services in South Africa are generated. The thesis is presented as papers embedded in a narrative that includes an introduction and synthesis discussion. Four papers (3 published and 1 under review) form the basis of the results chapters.
- ItemOpen AccessMental illness - stigma and discrimination in Zambia(2010) Kapungwe, A; Cooper, Sara; Mwanza, J; Mwape, L; Sikwese, A; Kakuma, R; Lund, Christopher; Flisher, Alan; MHaPP Research Programme ConsortiumObjective: The aim of this qualitative study was to explore the presence, causes and means of addressing individual and systemic stigma and discrimination against people with mental illness in Zambia. This is to facilitate the development of tailor-made antistigma initiatives that are culturally sensitive for Zambia and other low-income African countries. This is the first in-depth study on mental illness stigma in Zambia. Method: Fifty semi-structured interviews and 6 focus group discussions were conducted with key stakeholders drawn from 3 districts in Zambia (Lusaka, Kabwe and Sinazongwe). Transcripts were analyzed using a grounded theory approach. Results: Mental illness stigma and discrimination is pervasive across Zambian society, prevailing within the general community, amongst family members, amid general and mental health care providers, and at the level of government. Such stigma appears to be fuelled by misunderstandings of mental illness aetiology; fears of contagion and the perceived dangerousness of people with mental illness; and associations between HIV/AIDS and mental illness. Strategies suggested for reducing stigma and discrimination in Zambia included education campaigns, the transformation of mental health policy and legislation and expanding the social and economic opportunities of the mentally ill. Conclusion: In Zambia, as in many other lowincome African countries, very little attention is devoted to addressing the negative beliefs and behaviours surrounding mental illness, despite the devastating costs that ensue. The results from this study underscore the need for greater commitment from governments and policy-makers in African countries to start prioritizing mental illness stigma as a major public health and development issue.
- ItemOpen AccessTreatment coverage, barriers to care and factors associated with help-seeking behaviour of adults with depression and alcohol use disorder in Chitwan district, Nepal(2020) Luitel, Nagendra Prasad; Lund, Christopher; Garman, EmilyIntroduction: Globally, there is a substantial gap between the number of individuals in need of mental health care and those who receive treatment. It is reported that 86.3% people with anxiety, mood, or substance disorders in low and middle-income countries (LMICs) received no treatment in the 12 months preceding the survey. The Programme for improving mental health care (PRIME) aims to generate new evidence on implementation and scale up of mental health programs in primary health care settings to minimize this enormous treatment gap on mental health care, especially in the LMICs. The aim of this study was to report on the change in treatment coverage, barriers and other factors associated with help-seeking behaviour of adults with depression and alcohol use disorder (AUD) in Chitwan district, Nepal before and three years after implementation of the PRIME district mental health care plan (MHCP). Methods: The study was conducted in 10 Village Development Committees of Chitwan district in southern Nepal. The repeat population-based cross-sectional community survey applied a random sampling technique to select 1983 and 1499 adults in the baseline and the follow-up survey, respectively. The Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) and Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT) were used to screen people with depression and AUD. Barriers for seeking mental health care were assessed by using a standardized tool, the Barriers to Care Evaluation Scale (BACE). Results: Overall, 11.7% (n=13) people with depression in the follow-up survey reported that they had received mental health treatment from any provider in the 12 months preceding the survey; this proportion was not significantly different from the proportion reported at the baseline (n=18; 8.1%;χ2=1.02, p=0.424). Similarly, the proportion of the participants receiving treatment for AUD from any provider at the follow-up survey (n=9; 10.3%) was also not significantly different than that found at baseline (n=5; 5.1%; χ2=1.68, p=0.235). Significant reductions were found in the overall BACE score (p=0.004) and the specific BACE domains scores pertaining to financial barriers (p<0.001); stigma (p=0.004) and lack of support (p<0.001) in the follow-up survey among participants with depression. In the AUD group, there was also a significant reduction between the baseline and follow-up survey in the overall BACE score (p=0.011) and the specific BACE domains scores pertaining to financial barriers (p<0.001) and lack of support (p<0.001). There was no association between socio-demographic characteristics and help seeking behaviour of the participants at the follow-up survey. Participants who reported greater cultural practices and beliefs were less likely (OR 0.65, 95% CI 0.46 – 0.92) to receive mental health care compared to those who reported less cultural beliefs and practices (p=0.015). Conclusion: The study found non-significant improvements in treatment coverage and significant reductions in barriers to mental health care following implementation of the PRIME district mental health care plan. The non-significant improvements in the treatment coverage could be explained by a number of potential factors, including lack of targeted community level interventions for specific barriers in the PRIME MHCP, the distal nature of the outcome in relation to the intervention, and the small number of screen positive participants. The key areas for improvement in the implementation of the district mental health care plan include establishment of confidential place for consultation in each health facility and targeted community awareness and sensitization programmes to improve help-seeking attitudes, intention and behaviour.