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- ItemOpen AccessAdministrasie in die maatskaplike werk met besondere verwysing na vier funksies in bestuur, naamlik beplanning, organisasie, leidinggewing en beheer, soos toegepas in drie geselekteerde projekte(1983) Du Toit, Vlokkie; Helm, BrunhildeDie studie is deur 'n beroepsmaatskaplike werker onderneem en spruit uit haar praktiese ervaring in Wes-Kaap. Die tydperk van die studie strek vanaf 1980 tot die begin van 1983. Dit beskryf drie maatskaplikewerkprojekte. Die skryfster gaan van die hipotese uit dat die sukses van 'n maatskaplikewerk-projek in 'n groot mate afhang van doelgerigte administrasie daarvan. Die studieveld is dus maatskaplikewerk-administrasie. Vier bestuursfunksies, naamlik beplanning, organisasie, leidinggewing en kontrole (of beheer) word uitgesonder as aanduidend of maatskaplikewerk-administrasie geslaagd is al dan nie. Die "bestuur" van die drie projekte word beskryf en beoordeel volgens hierdie vier bestuursfunksies. Die gevallestudiemetode word gebruik; elkeen van die drie projekte word as 'n geval beskou. Die beperkinge van die studie word uitgewys; 'n literatuurstudie word aangebied; Suid-Afrikaanse wetgewing, wat op die projek betrekking het, word bespreek; die drie projekte self word seriatim beskryf en geëvalueer. Die slothoofstuk gaan oor bevindings en gevolgtrekkings, ook met verwysing na die etiese beginsels van die maatskaplikewerkberoep.
- ItemOpen AccessBeing-blind-in-the-world: a phenomenological analysis of blindness and a formulation of new objectives in rehabilitation(1984) Rowland, William Peter; Helm, BrunhildeThis work contains a phenomenological analysis of blindness, providing a basis for the evaluation of rehabilitation practice in South Africa and the formulation of future objectives in the field. Stereotypes of blindness associated with the perspectives of consumerism, scientific research, and social casework are analysed. Theories of blindness proposed by Braverman, Carroll, Monbeck, Foulke, Jernigan, and Scott are critically examined. The findings give substance to the claim that professional workers with the blind are guided in their attitudes and actions by images and meanings originating from these sources. All such preconceptions are rejected in favour of a description of blindness in terms of actual experience. An in-depth study of experience reveals how the nature of perception determines the blind person's relationship with the physical environment, with other people, and with the welfare system. In each sphere limitations arise which are overcome by specific responses and appropriate techniques. These observations lead to the formulation of a set of basic principles of rehabilitation, stressing the importance of individualization, self-reliance, assertiveness, versatility, and a personal interpretation of blindness. The relevance of traditional modalities is explained, while the need to expand rehabilitation teaching to include assertive skills training and various types of vocational instruction is emphasized. Current rehabilitation practice in South Africa is evaluated, comparisons being drawn with programmes offered by Beit Halochem in Tel Aviv, Arkansas Enterprises for the Blind, and the Center for Independent Living of the New York Infirmary. South African training is characterized as fostering the independence of the individual. Negative features are the lack of an effective delivery system and failure to meet the priority needs of certain groups. This prepares the way for a case study in which the redevelopment of rehabilitation services for the blind in South Africa .is discussed, beginning with the establishment of a new national rehabilitation centre. Amongst other matters, the study deals with negotiations to circumvent restrictive legislation, funding through a system of corporate sponsorship, and purposeful architectural design. The rehabilitation centre is viewed as the first component of a broader strategy to provide rehabilitation training to all blind people in South Africa, incorporating national, urban, rural, and specialized services. The successful implementation of any action plan will require the participation of blind people themselves by way of a disability rights movement. Finally, attention is focused on the effect of South African racial policies on welfare work. The principle of equal opportunity cannot be practised under present legislation.
- ItemOpen AccessCrisis intervention as a form of therapy for persons with homosexual concerns : an experimental study(1979) Isaacs, Gordon Michael; Helm, BrunhildeThirty male patients who, because they were experiencing homosexual crises, had made contact with a walk-in crisis clinic in Johannesburg, South Africa, were admitted to a series of therapy sessions based on the model of crisis intervention as expounded by Naomi Golan. The Paper reports upon a study which examined the degree of anxiety associated with the crisis, and measured the efficacy of crisis intervention techniques in reducing anxiety and distress. Two basis tests were administered: one before therapy and the other upon completion. The first test was the Kinsey Homosexual-Heterosexual rating scale to gauge the level of the patients' undertaking of their homosexual-heterosexual spectrum and to facilitate therapy. The second test consisted of ten items selected from the Manifest Anxiety Scale (M.A.S.).Using Magoon's validation of the study (which differentiated items in terms of levels of significance) and using Busses' study (which produces a follow-up item analysis of the M.A.S.), the writer selected those items that were significant at the 5% level or better, and also those that could be broken down into the following categories: (a) items which were indicated by physical anxiety or discomfort. (b) items which were indicated in verbal terms. In this way items were identified as correlates of anxiety experienced by persons with homosexual problems (in a crisis state). A rating scale was constructed using a five-point semantic differential for each item.
- ItemOpen AccessThe dagga problem : a sociological perspective with special reference to the question of social policy(1974) Theron, François; Helm, BrunhildeThe research for this thesis was done on a comparative, documentary level, rather than on an empirical one. The issue as to whether or not dagga is physiologically harmful will probably be finally settled by medical and pharmacological study. This thesis does not go into these aspects; instead it attempts to set the development of dagga smoking as a social problem in historical perspective. The research has been done from secondary sources. These include the original works of some of the theorists on deviant behaviour, the reports of government committees of inquiry, as well as commentary on drug abuse in various academic and professional journals and in more popular publications. Special mention must be made of the use of newspaper reports as sources of reference in this study. In evaluating the rapidly- changing problem of drug abuse and social attitudes towards this phenomenon, it is often Press reports that carry the most up-to-date information on current research and changes in social policy. For this reason references to professional journals and other academic sources have in some instances been supplemented by relevant newspaper articles and reports. The validity of this approach is especially evident when dealing with South Africa. For example, the dimensions of the drug problem in the Republic were first revealed in a series of reports in a Johannesburg newspaper, the Rand Daily Mail, which brought home to the public the extent to which the problem of dagga abuse involved the youth of South Africa. These reports contributed directly to the appointment in 1970 of a Committee of Inquiry to investigate the abuse of drugs in this country.
- ItemOpen AccessDie psigo-maatskaplike aspekte van homoseksualiteit:'n veld-en dokumentêre studie met spesiale verwysing na psigiatriese maatskaplike werk in Suid-Afrika(1972) Strydom, Katinka J D; Helm, BrunhildeDie benadering wat in hierdie studie toegepas is, is dié van die psigiatriese maatskaplike werker. Dit beteken dat die fokus hoofsaaklik op die psigo-maatskaplike aspekte van homoseksualiteit, sowel as die maatskaplike funksionering van die homoseksuele persone, gerig is. Die basiese kennis van die psigiatriese maatskaplike werker is geleë in persoonlikheidsontwikkeling wat ten nouste met die psigo-seksuele ontwikkelingstadia saamval. Gesinsdinamika sowel as persoonlikheidsdinamika is dus faktore wat as essensiële studiemateriaal deur die psigiatriese maatskaplike werker beskou word. Die studie moes egter uitgebrei word om ander aspekte ook te behels, veral weens die hoogs-gekompliseerde en menigvuldige aard van hornoseksualiteit as verskynsel. Sosiologiese faktore wat die sosiale milieu van die mens grotendeels bepaal, moes ingesluit word, asook die toepassing van sosiale sanksies wat ten nouste saamhang met verskynsels soos stigma, konflikte en baie ander veranderlikes. Regsaspekte kon allermins oor die hoof gesien word - hulle bepaal die raamwerk waarin homoseksueles lee£ en weerspieël in belangrike wyses die houdings van die gemeenskap. Terapie moes ook bespreek word, beide om die bydrae van maatskaplike werk te bestudeer en om die bydraes van ander beroepe in verband te sien.
- ItemOpen AccessDie terapeutiese aspekte van groepberaad in maatskaplike groepwerk(1976) Wiese, Annaleen Christine; Helm, BrunhildeDie doelstellings van die ondersoek kan soos volg kortliks saamgevat word: 1. Om 'n analitiese onderskeiding te maak van die begrippe groepberaad en groepterapie, en aan te toon dat groepberaad, soos deur maatskaplike groepwerkers beoefen, 'n terapeutiese strekking het; 2. Om groepberaad as 'n proses van maatskaplike groepwerk te omskryf; 3. Om, deur groepberaad met vroulike alkoholiste te onderneem, die metodiek van groepberaad te illustreer; 4. Om die terapeutiese kragte wat terapeutiese verandering in 'n beraadgroep teweegbring, te identifiseer en te omskryf; en 5. Om die aard van terapeutiese verandering en die evaluasie daarvan, kortliks te bespreek.
- ItemOpen AccessGemeenskapsdiensvonnisse as alternatief tot gevangenisstraf : 'n maatskaplikewerk perspektief(1981) Van Gass, Izak Gerhardus; Helm, BrunhildeMisdaad is een van Suid-Afrika se grootste enkele maatskaplike vraagstukke - een wat groot sosiale, ekonomiese, en politieke implikasies inhou. Die Republiek van Suid-Afrika is sover bekend, die land met die hoogste gevangenisbevolking per 100 000 lede van die bevolking ter wereld. As gevolg van die hoe daaglikse gevangenisbevolking verduur ons dikwels heftige kritiek van die Internasionale gemeenskap en loop ons die gevaar om internasionaal verder geisoleer te word as gevolg van die swak beeld wat ons hoe gevangenisbevolking skep. Die doeltreffende hantering van die misdaadvraagstuk is alleen moontlik indien daar samewerking bestaan tussen die staat en die gemeenskap. Ongelukkig het 'n gees van geheimhouding in verband met aspekte van misdaad (byvoorbeeld ons gevangenisadministrasie) bygedra tot 'n onbetrokkenheid van ons gemeenskap by die rehabilitasie van oortreders. Die gees van die moderne rehabilitasie-filosofie le daarin opgesluit dat oortreders (sover prakties moontlik) binne gemeenskapsverband gerehabiliteer moet word, aangesien gevangenisstraf as strafmaatreel in sy doel gefaal het. Die ontwikkeling van alternatiewe tot gevangenisstraf in die meeste Westerse lande is grootliks die resultaat van navorsing oor die effektiwiteit van gevangenisstraf. Die gevangenisowerhede in die lande is in die algemeen ook aktief betrokke by die beplanning van gemeenskapsgerigte rehabilitasieprogramme vir oortreders. Wat Suid-Afrika betref is daar nog feitlik geen navorsing gedoen oor die effektiwiteit van gevangenisstraf nie. Kritiek op ons gevangenisstelsel berus dus dikwels op populere opvattings. Die gevangenisowerhede moet dikwels heftige kritiek verduur wat dalk ongegrond mag wees. Sekere strafhervormers het in die verlede ons gevangenisstelsel soms vir politieke gewin aangeval, met die gevolg dat ons gevangenisstelsel al hoe meer geisoleerd begin raak het van die gemeenskap, wat dit veronderstel is om te bedien. Die vraag kan tereg gevra word of ons gevangenisstelsel nie die speelbal is van politici, wat eie gewin nastreef nie. Sekere radikale elemente strewe na die omverwerping van wet en orde, waarvan die gevangenis 'n onontbeerlike deel uitmaak. Daarenteen is dit ongelukkig so dat daar ander politici is, wat leemtes in ons strafregstelsel en gevangenisstelsel wil toesmeer. Die gevolg is dat die noodsaaklikheid van strafhervorming nie behoorlik besef word nie. Strafhervorming is alleenlik moontlik indien leemtes in die Strafregstelsel geidentifiseer word en aan die gemeenskap bekend gestel word, sodat die gemeenskap betrokke kan raak by die proses van strafhervorming. Vonnisse van gemeenskapsdiens, wat impliseer dat oortreders die een of ander vorm van gratis diens tot voordeel van die gemeenskap lewer, is n ideale manier om gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid te bewerkstellig. Hoewel die tipe vonnisse nie ''n kitsoplossing is vir die misdaadvraagstuk nie, kan dit gebruik word om sekere oortreders uit die gevangenis te hou. In die ondersoek poog ondersoeker om 'n beskeie bydrae te lewer tot ons tergende misdaadvraagstuk. Die navorsingsonderwerp handel eerstens oor die beginsels van vonnisoplegging en 'n teoretiese bespreking oor die doel en waarde van gevangenisstraf. Aangesien die primere doel van die studie is om aanbevelings te maak oor gemeenskapsdiensvonnise as 'n alternatief tot gevangenisstraf in Suid-Afrika word in hoofstuk 4 en 5 gepoog om die waarde van gevangenisstraf in Suid-Afrika te evalueer deur middel van teoretiese en praktiese navorsing. Ten einde riglyne te bepaal vir die toepassing van gemeenskapsdiensvonnisse word in hoofstuk 6 en 7 'n bespreking gegee van die toepassing van gemeenskapsdiensvonnisse in Engeland, Wallis en die Verenigde State van Amerika. Een van die belangrikste dele van die studie is hoofstuk 8 waar 'n eksperimentele projek om 'n gemeenskapsdiensstelsel in Kaapstad te loods bespreek word. In die slot hoofstuk word aanbevelings gemaak met betrekking tot die toepassing van gemeenskapsdiensvonnisse in Suid-Afrika.
- ItemOpen AccessThe growth of homosexual identity : an empirical study from a social work perspective of crisis in sexual identity experienced by a sample of homosexual persons in Cape Town, with special reference to cultural factors(1989) Isaacs, Gordon Michael; Helm, BrunhildeThis study seeks to investigate the nature of homosexual identity and its development, to explore the manifestation and incidence of crisis among homosexuals, and to determine the relationships between crisis and homosexual identity growth. Furthermore, it attempts to identify the idiosyncratic features of the South African "gay experience" and to examine the way such experience impinges on homosexual identity development. Given the gravity of the recent phenomenon of AIDS and its increasing appearance, the study extends to an investigation of AIDS, and its link with crisis and homosexual identity. Finally, the study seeks to indicate how Social Work may address the diverse needs of the gay collective, including strategies to deal with AIDS. The study employs a combination of methodological techniques which include the application of clinical case material, an extensive survey of research literature, a newspaper inquiry, participant observation, random interviews and a mailed questionnaire. (This questionnaire was designed to tap information with regard to demographic profiles, the unfolding of sexual identity, "coming out", crisis, and attitudes towards a local South African gay organisation.) It presented a choice between fixed alternative items but also elicited open-ended commentary. A forty-eight percent response rate was received to the mailed questionnaire. On the basis of research, the writer has developed a theoretical model of homosexual identity growth which comprises various developmental stages ranging from early infancy to late adulthood. The study concludes that homosexual identity growth is a dynamic and on-going process catalysed by the interaction between self, society, and sub-culture. Homosexual identity is strongly linked to the gay sub-culture which presents a classic double-bind; it acts as a symbolic family for the homosexual person but it also perpetuates the expression of behaviours and emotions which are externally regarded as non-legitimate. Hence, crisis is universally experienced by homosexuals as part of their process of identity development, and is usually associated with "coming out". Crisis can be expressed in egocentric (internal) or sociocentric (external) terms, and may occur at any stage. The level of self-acceptance and self-esteem varies with each individual, and personal fantasy, as a core element of sexuality, is a key indicator of the extent of identity resolution.
- ItemOpen AccessThe likelihood of admission of elderly persons to a psychiatric hospital : a comparative study of elderly persons admitted for the first time to a psychiatric hospital and of elderly persons in the community, with special reference to the composition, organisation, and structural integration of their families(1980) Elk, Ronith; Strydom, Katinka J D; Helm, BrunhildeThe helping professions in many parts of the world, experience concern over the increased number of admissions of elderly patients to psychiatric hospitals. This study has been prompted by similar concern in Cape Town. Although old people have always suffered from psychiatric illnesses, the problem becomes more acute as the numbers of elderly rise, especially in industrialised countries. A noticeable and alarming trend, particularly in the last three decades, has been the rise in first admissions of old people to psychiatric hospitals. Over the period 1978 to 1980, a multidisciplinary project in which the writer was appointed as a research worker, was conducted by the Department of Psychiatry in the University of Cape Town. This project was conducted in both the Psychogeriatric Unit of Valkenberg Hospital and in suburbs of Cape Town from the same catchment area that the hospital serves. The aim of the project was, to examine the possible contributory reasons for psychiatric illness that led to consequent hospitalisation of the elderly. It covered a multitude of psychiatric, physical, and psychosocial variables. Over the same period, the author conducted a separate but associated research, focusing on one specific psychosocial variable - that of the family of the old person. This variable was selected as the nucleus of the study for two major reasons.
- ItemOpen AccessMaatskaplikewerk-dienste van die NG Sendingkerk in Suid-Afrika : 'n evaluatiewe studie oor die rol van maatskaplike werkers in diens van die kerk, met spesifieke verwysing na die gebruik van gemeenskapsontwikkeling in die bekamping van gemeenskapsarmoede in Wes-Kaap(1988) Pick, Samuel Gert; Helm, BrunhildeThe study relates the work done by social workers in the employ of the NG Sendingkerk to the community development needs of those communities that the NG Sendingkerk serves. The social workers concerned are trained by the Kerk itself. The study seek answers to the following questions: 1. What modern models of community development would be applicable to communities such as those served by the NG Sendingkerk and its social workers? What world view do such models of community development represent? 2. What are the principal features of the communities served by die NG Sendingkerk that are relevant to community development? 3. Relating (1) and (2) above, what criteria for optimum community development can be laid down for the Communities served by the NG Sendingkerk? 4. How do social workers trained by the NG Sendingkerk perceive the communities in which they work? What world view influences their perception? How does (4) relate to (2) above? 5. What is the programme of training followed by the NG Sendingkerk for its social workers? (A distinction is to be made between the intention of the training programme and the results of the training programme as perceived by the trainees). 6. If appropriate models of community development were to be applied to the communities which the NG Sendingkerk serves, to what extent does the Kerk's social work training equip its social workers with both the knowledge and the tools that these models require? 7. What proposals can be made for (1) modifying models of community development appropriate to the communities served by the NG Sendingkerk, (2) additional or different tools for the Kerk's social workers, (3) alteration of the perceptions of the communities within their existing world view?
- ItemOpen AccessPleegouers : 'n ondersoek met verwysing na die omstandighede van blanke pleegsouers in Kaapstad(1974) Barry, Engela Francina Catrina; Helm, BrunhildeDie ondersoeker se belangstelling in pleegsorg het ontwikkel gedurende die drie jaar wat sy as sekretaresse van die Vereniging vir Kinderbeskerming in Kaapstad werksaam was. Hoewel die ondersoeker reeds die afgelope drie jaar in 'n ander werkkring staan, word die leemtes wat in pleegsorg bestaan, maar ook die waarde wat dit vir sorgbehoewende kinders kan he, gedurig onder haar aandag gebring. Die kroniese tekort aan geskikte pleegouers, die feit dat pleegkinders soms in pleeghuise geplaas word waar hulle onder omstandighede verkeer wat nie veel verskil van die waaruit hulle verwyder is nie en die steeds te groat aantal plasings wat misluk het die ondersoeker lnat besluit om vas te stel wie die pleegouers is wat hierdie belangrike diens lewer. Aangesien studies van verbruikersmenings van welsynsdienste in Suid-Afrika skaars is, en pleegouers word hier te lande nog dikwels as verbruikers eerder as verskaffers van welsynsdienste beskou het die ondersoeker aandag gegee aan pleegouers se menings oor die dienste wat hulle van welsynsorganisasies en maatskaplike werkers ontvang. Die ondersoek was beperk tot Kaapstad omdat die ondersoeker in voltydse betrekking beklee wat dit moeilik sou maak om buite Kaapstad te werk. Al drie die welsynsorganisasies wat blanke kinders in pleegsorg plaas is by die ondersoek betrek, eerstens om 'n volledige steekproef van pleegouers te kan maak en tweedens om vas te stel of daar enige opva.llende verskille in die beleid en werkswyse met betrekking tot pleegsorg tussen die drie verenigings bestaan.
- ItemOpen AccessProtocol as social administration and its implication for social policy : a typological study of the tasks of a protocol officer in Bophuthatswana(1988) Ratefane, Tumelo A; Helm, BrunhildeThe writer of this Masters dissertation, presented in six chapters, has practised for many years as a social worker in the rural, developing country of the Republic of Bophuthatswana. The subject of the research study was however prompted by the time she spent as a protocol officer in the Department of Foreign Affairs in Bophuthatswana. Search for an academic background on protocol (for reference in her practice) having proved fruitless, she undertook the research now reported upon. The study has been carried out using the techniques of participant observation, process recording, and elementary content analysis. Documentary sources were also used. Otherwise the work is descriptive, and does not make use of statistical techniques. The study examines the relationship between the function of protocol on the one hand and social policy and social administration on the other. The diary technique as a method of data collection was used. Since this is a typological study of the tasks of a protocol officer, the daily activities of the officer were recorded in the diary (but not timed) over a period of six months. This was regarded as a sufficiently representative period. After six months of data collection, the writer examined all entries in the diary. Every activity was labelled with the specific message it carried. Classification in a systematic manner, according to the characteristic messages that these activities carried, followed. In this way ten categories emerged from the data. The writer has identified and described the categories. The ten categories were then examined and subjected to further analysis which resulted in quantitative findings which are reflected in tabular form. It was hypothesised that protocol is social administration and that it has implication for social policy. The writer's conclusion is that a protocol officer has however to possess skills which go beyond those of an administrator. Protocol officers therefore require professional training. The writer ventured away from conventional Social Work studies in choosing to research the field of protocol. Throughout, therefore, she consciously tried not to stray too far, but instead, time and again, attempted to relate the study directly to the discipline and the profession of Social Work. In conclusion the writer thought it fitting to point to other (cognate) perspectives on her subject. The sociologist Max Weber, for instance, provides good frameworks within which protocol should be studied.
- ItemOpen AccessPsychodrama with alcoholics : a social work perspective(1979) Rabson, June Sara; Helm, BrunhildeThis thesis consists of a review of psychodrama literature, and an empirical application of the method in a psychotherapeutic context.' The literature review describes the classical psychodrama method, its history, techniques, associated and derivative methods. The descriptive part of the study also reviews applications of psychodrama, sociodrama, and role playing relevant to social work training and practice, with special reference to the field of alcoholism treatment.· The empirical study compares the use of psychodrama and role playing with inpatients receiving treatment in an alcoholism programme.
- ItemOpen AccessRehoboth Gebiet : n studie van n veranderende gemeenskap (met spesiale verwysings na maaatskaplike faktore en behoeftes)(1980) Rose, S. M. Hedwich; Helm, Brunhilde
- ItemOpen AccessSome aspects of the leisure occupations of the African population in Cape Town(1954) Botto, R; Helm, Brunhilde
- ItemOpen Access