Browsing by Author "Hambidge, Joan"
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- ItemOpen AccessThe Dandelion diary : die perdeblom kalender(2002) Black, Marguerite; Hambidge, JoanIn essensie is die manuskrip wat volg 'n versameling van my gedigte in Afrikaans en Engels. Verder word die digterlike stemme van Antjie Krog en Ingrid Jonker verken met die oog daarop om my eie poesie te verstaan. The thesis also focuses on the impact of illness and disability on my own creative processes and is an analysis of the gender constructs projected by my poetry and that of Ingrid Jonker and Anljie Krog . The work of C. G. Jung and secondary interpretations of his theories form the basis of this inquiry. The conflicting pOints of view around the terms anima and animus are explored. While special emphasis is placed on female archetypal structures, such as those coined by psychoanalyst Toni Wolff. Fairy Tale analyses, especially the dialogue between Clarissa Pinkola Estes and Mari-Louise Von Franz, seek to assist in understanding gender issues that are placed in the foreground by the poetry under discussion. In this regard the role of women in an archetypal context is discussed in conjunction with the feminist theories of, amongst others, Julia Kristeva and Simone De Beauvoir. The different strains of thought reflected in the manuscript complement and run parallel to one another, all addressing the common theme of gender.
- ItemOpen AccessDie Bemiddelaars met middelvingers: n' studie oor die verhoudiing tussen mag en satire(2019) Vermaak, Johannes; Hambidge, JoanSatire and power are inseparably interconnected. This study investigates satire and power as contextually informed by their socio-political milieu. The origins of satire, both etymologically and as genre, constitute the first section. This is followed by a description of the primary aims of satire. The focus is on three contrasting mediums of era-specific satirical delivery, namely: 1) Etienne Leroux’s satirical novels within the Apartheid era; 2) Bitterkomix and the impact of the satirical image in postApartheid South Africa; and 3) multimedia satire in the 21st century. Shifts in power, moral codes and satirical targets are analysed and deconstructed within the context of each timeframe. Considering the reconceptualisation of traditional power dynamics with regard to gender and identity within a post-colonial context, the question arises: What is the future of satire?
- ItemOpen AccessDie desentralisasie van die subjek : 'n post-strukturalistiese beskouing van Breytan Breytenbach se Die Ysterkoei moet sweet en ("YK")(1995) Smuts, Susanna Elizabeth; Hambidge, Joan; Brink, André PThe study attempts to indicate how frames of reading which presuppose a definable subject and a hierarchy of real poet and poem are problematized and transgressed by the Breytenbach texts. How these texts confront the normative, predetermined and rigid definitions of the subject and subject positions is one of the challenges faced in this work. It is argued that the texts under scrutiny depict literature as a terrain where stereotypical social codes are destroyed and recreated and where the symbolic order is challenged.
- ItemOpen AccessDie digterlike gesprek by Johann de Lange : 'n psigoanalitiese studie(2004) Fritz, Dawn; Hambidge, JoanDie werk van Johann de Lange word as vertrekpunt in hierdie studie gebruik, maar die poësie van ander digters soos Sheila Cussons, N.P. van Wyk Louw, Ina Rousseau en Joan Hambidge, wat almal op een of ander wyse 'n invloed op De Lange uitgeoefen het, sal ook betrek word.
- ItemOpen AccessDie vloedbos sal weer vlieg(2005) Stander, Carina; Hambidge, JoanHierdie tesis in kreatiewe skryfwerk is 'n ondersoek na die landskap van my verse in Die vloedbos wal weer vlieg. Toepassing vind plaas teen di agtergrond van 'n tematiese indeling van die teks. Harold Bloom se benadering in A map of misreading word gevolg ter bevestiging van digterlike identiteit. My motivering tot die skryf va poësie word voorts geanaliseer aan die hand van Paul Ricoeur se teorie vir narratiewe hoop, Passion for the possible, en Rainer Maria Rilke se insigte in Letters to a young poet. word die invloed van letterkunde, visuale kuns en die genesende waarde van die verhaalvers bespreek. Die studie geskied binne die mitologiese en psigonalitiese raam werk wat onder meer geskep is in Roland Bartes In mythologies, Clarissa Pinkola Estés in Women who run with the wolves en Sigmund Freud se analise van Der Todestrieb. Die Leksikon van A. D. de Vries en J. E. Cirlot word deurgaans verskaf. (121-122 pages missing)
- ItemOpen AccessDissonansie in die digkuns van Antjie Krog(2000) Olivier, H M; Hambidge, JoanAnthie Krog's poetry from the beginning caused a stir in the educational, church and academic circles. This was not only because of her forthrightness about sensitive issues, but also because of the new manner in which she used Afrikaans. Dissonance which continually manifests itself in her poetry, reflects the fact that, as a feminist poet in a strongly patriarchal society, she rejects the marginal position of women in a phallogocentric world.
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- ItemOpen AccessGender-konstruksies in die afrikaanse letterkunde : 'n ondersoek in kultuurstudies, litterêre teorie en kreatiewe skryfwerk(2000) Hambidge, Joan; Snyman, H.J.This thesis argues that gender is a construct or a choice. The different gender positions (feminisms, masculinities, homosexualities et al.) are read against modem literary theory. When applicable a particular theory is tested from a creative perspective. The outset of the thesis is metafictional and selfreflexive seeing that the thesis sets out to "test" theory and to undermine the stereotypical notion that theory and creative writing belong to different disciplines. Thus the reader is presented with a deconstructive thesis or a text which challenges the notion of modem theory and cultural studies. Representation, clothes, primordiality, humour, the internet, the media, films, "pulp" fiction and "high" literature are analysed and blended in this thesis to comment on the developments in modem literary theory: structuralism to post structuralism. The influence of the internet is discussed in a chapter. The thesis comments on the value of inter-disciplinary work and programmes. Psychoanalytic and (post)structuralist theories are blended with creative texts to undermine the notion that gender is a mere biological or given position. The conventional boundaries of a literary thesis is thus challenged and the thesis argues that critical texts and creative texts rely on this interactive reading.
- ItemOpen AccessIn die skadu van soveel bome(2011) Nortje, Hennie; Hambidge, JoanThis study is a creative exploration of the influence of trees on my poetry. My essay investigates the large number of trees that features in Afrikaans poetry, especially in Groot Verseboek. The relationship between a scientific interest in trees and a creative reflexion on this scientific knowledge is discussed.
- ItemOpen AccessJungiaanse argetipes in die poësie van Ingrid Jonker, Sylvia Plath en Anne Sexton(2007) Brüggemann, I; Hambidge, JoanPoets are able to express symbols in words by way of what C. G. Jung called "archetypes". This is an investigation of the feasibility that poets who wrote independently worldwide, were able to use the same imagery in their poetry without being able to copy it from each other. There are several similarities between the poets discussed. In the first place they lost a parent when they were still children. Secondly they all committed suicide and (thirdly) they were excellent poets. Their lives were characterised by a search for something they believed they could only find in death. These there issues could almost be put into a mathematical formula where [loss of significant other] + [artistic ability] = depression & suicidality/certain poetic elements (e.g. the use of "ek"/"I"). The focus of the study is the symbolism in the discussed poems, especially water, stone and moon imagery, and Jungian theories are used to explain these. Biographical information is also used to gain a better understanding of the poetry. Ingrid Jonker, Sylvia Plath and Anne Sexton's poetry is initially analysed (as well as that of Eugène N. Marais and Sara Teasdale). Later more poets enter the discussion, such as Attila József, Cesare Pavese and Marina Tsvetaeva. The therapeutic value of writing poetry is investigated as well as the possibility of plagiarism, Antjie Krog's Die sterre sê 'tsau' enters the argument in order to substantiate Jung's hypotheses was well as to balance Stephen Watson's accusations of Krog. Finally the approach of this thesis gets a closer look.
- ItemOpen AccessKodeks; Digkuns, Smee(d)kuns: die ontmoeting tussen beeld en woord(2018) Barkhuizen, Gerhard M; Hambidge, JoanCreative portfolio and essay submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Masters in Creative Writing.
- ItemOpen AccessMetaphysical balm and the poet as legislator(2015) Betty, Michèle Anne; Hambidge, JoanThis essay was born of a desire to understand the relationship between poetry and politics in a meaningful and current way. The twentieth century has seen atrocities that have taken place on an unprecedented scale: times of historical and social extremity, states of exile, censorship, military occupation, political persecution, torture, warfare, assassination, apartheid and, more recently, forms of violent terrorism. This essay will consider the function of poetry in a world overcome and consumed by violence. The essay will begin with a consideration of the political function of the ideas expressed in Percy Bysshe Shelley's A Defence of Poetry (hereinafter A Defence). Shelley's notion of the promise of art and what it de facto delivers, and his ideas on the significance of poems in the context of politics will be examined. The essay will then consider the views of the Russian Formalists on how to establish the "literariness" of a text and the ability of a text to "defamiliarise", as well as the devices that can be used by a poet to achieve literariness and defamiliarisation. It will touch on the work of Mikhail Bakhtin and his concepts of folk humour and grotesque realism in a text. Carolyn Forché's idea of poetry as a witness of a lived experience, as enunciated in her text Against Forgetting: Twentieth-Century Poetry of Witness, will be discussed. Thereafter, the essay will consider Viljoen and Van der Merwe's notions of liminality in literature, as expounded in their text Beyond the Threshold, and their explanation of how language can act as a transformative vehicle. In order to illustrate these concepts practically, the essay will analyse two South African poetry collections, namely: Nathan Trantraal's Chokers en Survivors and Oswald Mtshali's Sounds of a Cowhide Drum. The analyses will reveal what distinguishes mere resistance poetry and political diatribe from poetry that is lasting and effective.
- ItemOpen AccessMistiek in die bundel Die swart kombuis deur Sheila Cussons(2018) De Villiers, Izabel; Hambidge, JoanThis study focuses on the mystical elements in Die swart kombuis (1978) by Sheila Cussons. This second collection of poetry of Cussons grows out of a context of the investigation of the tension between the earthly and the metaphysical that manifested in her first publication, Plektrum (1970), to a concentrated experience of the spiritual and human search for meaning and integration in Die swart kombuis. This publication can be placed within the tradition of Afrikaans mystical poetry. The mystical element is to be observed with the title of the collection, which can be read as a symbol of transformation. The word “kombuis” (kitchen) becomes an archetypal arena loaded with meaning and associations that are explored and expanded upon in the collection. The poems function as poetic expressions of the poet’s relationship with her persona and the internal dialogues that take place during these confrontations. The collection can be read as a creative expression of the poet’s individuation process. Cussons exposes the integration and the interpretation of her archetypes and allows the reader to participate in this sensitive process of personal enlightenment. The various stages of self-realisation find expression in the symbolic use of language and concepts that Cussons employs. This technique takes the reader on an abstract journey of selfinvestigation. By giving poetic expression to her personal process of individuation, Cussons presents the reader with a creative vehicle through which he or she can step into the mystical dimension. Previously, the reader might not have had exposure to complex concepts such as individuation, archetypes and symbolism; however, through the reading of this collection of poetry, access to these ideas is vicariously granted. This study aims to formulate a reading model that is able to identify, analyse and explain the various mystical elements in selected poems in Die swart kombuis. Mystical elements and characteristics are identified to give the reader an introduction to the language use and associated symbolism. The structure of the reading model incorporates ideas and theories from theorists such as the psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung, the philosopher and psychologist William James and the poet, Jungian analyst and cantadora Clarissa Pinkola Estés. The ideas of literary theorists Roland ix Barthes, Umberto Eco, Jonathan Culler and Frank Kermode are also included in the approach to the text. Attention is, furthermore, paid to symbolism, mythology and the use of poetry as a form of therapy and self-reflection.
- ItemOpen AccessOlder than language : comics as philosophical praxis and heuristic for philosophical canon(2009) Abrahams, Shathley Q; Hambidge, JoanThe central task of this dissertation is the exploration of the medium of comics, and its connections to both popular culture and philosophy as a practice conceived in the Western tradition. Comics (at times referred to as both 'graphic literature' and 'sequential art' during this dissertation) constitutes a wholly new object. One that is qualitatively distinct from prose, theater, poetry and cinema. Mimicking the structure of comics wherein two images are juxtaposed to suggest (rather than explicitly state) a coherent sequence in the mind of the reader, this dissertation offers two "images" of its central thesis: one a theoretical element, the other a work of creative fiction. Following on from each other, these "images" interrogate both in their parts and in their sequence, the politics of representation around comics and its connections to philosophy and the popular. In the first "image" a theoretical work is forwarded to examine the various connections that arise between comics, popular culture and philosophy. The central thesis of this element argues for a nuanced understanding in which the medium of comics provides for a clearer interlocutor of Western philosophy's perennial concerns. The works of Galileo, Vico, Descartes, Darwin, Marx, Freud, Einstein, Foucault and Deleuze are reinterpreted using the aesthetic mechanics of comics as philosophical concept. This dissertation thus asserts that comics functions as "heuristic" for Western philosophy, a method which encodes understanding through practice.
- ItemOpen AccessPlagiarism : the cultural outbreak(2006) Verstraete, Claire; Hambidge, JoanThe aim of this study is a conceptual and theoretical exploration of literary plagiarism. Chapter One traces various definitions of plagiarism and contrasts plagiarism with copyright infringement. It is argued that plagiarism is a social construct which cannot be defined solely in terms of textual features and must be contextualised. Authorial intention and reader reception play a key role in the discourse of plagiarism, since both reveal the prevailing contemporary textual ethics underlying textual production. The literature review in Chapter Two analyses the ways in which plagiarism has been interpreted in the last fifty years contrasting essentialist definitions of plagiarism with postmodern theories of plagiarism as a discourse of power. Plagiarism is contextualised within modern and postmodern aesthetics. In Chapter Three, the discourse of authorship as a stable and unified category is destabilised and challenged. What counts as plagiarism is argued to be inseparable from changing valorisations of authorship. Paradigms of authorship are then contrasted to illustrate how textual values change from one era to another, affecting dominant representations of authorship and plagiarism. Originality is explored as the pivotal construct on which the Romantic model of individual authorship depends - the model in which our current views of plagiarism have their origin. The plagiarist or 'nonauthor' is commonly viewed as everything the author is not: a copyist, unoriginal and immoral. Chapter Four analyses this construction of the plagiarist in the context of a South African case study in which Stephen Watson, Head of Department of English at the University of Cape Town, accused writer Antjie Krog of plagiarism. An analysis is made of the debate which ensued in a South African online journal, as well as of the press documentation surrounding the case. An interview was also conducted with Watson once the debate subsided. The conclusion reached from this study affirms that plagiarism is not an easily definable phenomenon since it depends on cultural notions that are in flux. Social, economic and technological changes also bring to bear on the literary institution, models of authorship and the consequent treatment of plagiarism. By enlarging the range of motivations for textual practices traditionally labelled as plagiarism, this thesis argues for a new conception of plagiarism, one that engages various discourse participants and contexts.
- ItemOpen AccessPoësie en die politiek van die postmodernisme : 'n ondersoek na die postmodernistiese poësie van Wilma Stockenström(1998) Abrahams, Fernel Rodger; Hambidge, JoanThis dissertation comprises a study of the postmodernist tendencies in Wilma stockenstrom's poetry text Die heengaanrefrein (1989). It is argued that the postmodernist text carries with it certain political implications, among which are an interrogation of the way in which history is represented, as well as an interrogation of the ways in which each literary text can be read as a rewriting of existing, or precursor texts. It is further argued that the interrogation of historical representations opens up links between the postmodern debate and postcolonial discourse. This is especially pertinent when reading literary texts from a former colony such as South Africa, and specifically a text which focuses on an event which forms part of the country's colonial history, that being the arrival at the Cape of the Huguenots in 1688-89. Finally it is argued that this postmodernist text, by way of intertextual references, not only implies a rewriting of colonial perspectives on history, but also a rewriting of a literary history, thereby contributing to the decolonisation of the Subject.
- ItemOpen AccessPortefeulje, Witskrif ; Essay, Die representasie van stilte in poësie(2014) Du Toit, Tania; Hambidge, JoanThe objective of the essay is to examine the meaning and content in the white space or iconic white in poetry, with specific reference to the representation of silence. The investigation focuses on the existence of a universal distinguishing white grammar with poets, as it manifests in their individual works, where this white grammar includes the use of an iconic white alphabet as well as specific narratives of silence, or the unmentionable/unspeakable. Possible catalysts and factors that influence the origin, initiation and maintenance of a specific narrative within this white grammar, are discussed and considered. It is found that optimal poetry reading and assimilation implies consideration for the white grammar. The works of two established poets, namely the South African Petra Müller (Afrikaans) and the Belgian Miriam Van hee (Flemish), as well as unpublished poems by Tania du Toit (Afrikaans) are analysed and discussed to inform the investigation.
- ItemOpen AccessThe prince and the pauper : a musical play(2002) Shaper, Hal; Hambidge, Joan
- ItemOpen AccessRevisiting the queer : theory, literature and gay male studies(2002) Damm, Peter; Hambidge, JoanThe main inspiration for a revisit to the topic of homosexuality is not only its noticeable absence from the UCT English curricula, but also the publication of the first Fundamentalist Christian text with a South African slant: The Pink Agenda: Sexool revolution in South Africa (McCafferty and Hammond 2001). Forms of opposing this homophobic view were needed for the gay community. This required an investigation into the academic debates aoout homosexuality: mainly the social constructionist versus the essentialist debate.
- ItemOpen AccessToorlelies (Portfeulje) & Mythopoeia in Marina Tsvetaeva's after Russia (Essay)(2014) Louw, Juanita; Hambidge, JoanAbtract of essay: Mythopoeia in Marina Tsvetaeva's after Russia. This study examines the use of myth in Marina Tsvetaeva's last poetry collection, After Russia. The study will focus on the myth of Orpheus, the archetypal poet, as well as the metamorphoses of the Greek bard as presented by Tsvetaeva in her poetry. Tsvetaeva's appropriation of the mythic personae of Eurydice and the Cumaean Sibyl will also be explored in relation to the Orphic myth and the way these characters were used to express the comingVintoVbeing of the poet. A brief overview will be given of the mythical figures under discussion as they appear in literature. The study will then consider Tsvetaeva's use of these mythic characters to elucidate her poetic philosophy, the task of the poet and the essence of poetry. Finally, for background information, a short biographical sketch is included.