Simple rule, hidden meaning: the scalar product in engineering mathematics

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Elephant Delta


University of Cape Town


the Tenth Southern Hemisphere Conference on the Teaching and Learning of Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics (Elephant Delta)

Engineering is a highly mathematical field of study with different university courses requiring proficiency at different types of mathematics. Engineering dynamics requires the skilful use of vectors in various ways and proficiency at vector arithmetic, algebra and geometry is of vital importance to incoming students. This paper reports on findings from the administering of a vector proficiency assessment instrument across two semesters of a dynamics course. Findings suggest that problems requiring use of the scalar product embedded within a context are of the highest difficulty level. We argue that the geometric role of the scalar product is weakly understood by the majority of students, leading to poor performance at any problem requiring more than a basic calculation. We suggest that lecturers of engineering mathematics foreground the geometric role and that lecturers of engineering courses be aware of the level of challenge manifest in these problems.
