Development and validation of the Science Teacher Inventory of Needs for Limpopo Province (STIN-LP)

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South African Journal of Education

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University of Cape Town

The development and validation of an instrument for establishing the perceived INSET needs of teachers of Mathematics, Physical Science, and Biology in Limpopo province, South Africa, and their pertinent demographic details are described. The instrument was modified from the Science Teacher Inventory of Needs (STIN-3) developed by previous workers. STIN-3 was adapted for use in the educational context of Limpopo province in collaboration with important stakeholders in Mathematics, Physical Science, and Biology education at the provincial and national level. The stakeholders commented on the appropriateness or otherwise of items, suggested additional items, and assessed the clarity of items and instructions for completing the questionnaire. An English Second Language expert inspected the instrument to make its language demands appropriate for the target audience. The resulting Science Teacher Inventory of Needs for Limpopo Province (STIN-LP) was pilot-tested on 132 teachers in the subjects and modified accordingly. The final STIN-LP has good alignment with the Norms and Standards for Educators and consists of 95 items: 47 items describing INSET needs in 7 different categories, 26 demographic items, 14 items describing teachers' problems, and 8 items assessing the frequency of use of particular teaching strategies.

