Business process modelling and simulation with application to a start-up actuarial firm

Master Thesis


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University of Cape Town

In our research, we set out to model, understand and evaluate the business process at a start-up actuarial firm which employs Report Writers (RWers) who specialise in quantifying actuarial matters. We simulated various "what-if" and extreme scenarios relating to (1) the impact of qualitative variables (stress, morale and health) on RWer productivity, (2) hiring policies for RWers who have various skills sets, (3) the allocation of RWers to various roles within the process, (4) the impact that a high turnover of experienced RWers has on productivity, (5) the impact of introducing a flexible working arrangement (flexitime). This was done through business process modelling and simulations. The business process we modelled was governed by numerous potentially complex inter-relationships between variables and inter-relationships, which we believed could lead to potentially significant feedback loops. The models we built were then simulated over a period of 3 to 7 years to gain insights into the behavioural trends of the firm's business process over time when subject to "what-if" scenarios and policy implementations. The model simulations allowed us to get an understanding of the behaviour of processes over time, and the key variables and relationships involved in bringing about such behaviour as certain variables were subjected to changes in levels, as set out in our objectives. We made use of relevant literature, expert opinion, past data, questionnaires and cognitive mapping techniques to build simulation models. Guided by methodologies used in literature on modelling qualitative variables, bearing in mind the dangers in modelling for them, we modelled for the complex inter-relationships between qualitative and quantitative variables.

