Quality control charts under random fuzzy measurements

Master Thesis


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University of Cape Town

We consider statistical process control charts as tools that statistical process control utilizes for monitoring changes; identifying process variations and their causes in industrial processes (manufacturing processes) and which help manufacturers to take the appropriate action, rectify problems or improve manufacturing processes so as to produce good quality products. As an essential tool, researchers have always paid attention to the development of process control charts. Also, the sample sizes required for establishing control charts are often under discussion depending on the field of study. Of late, the problem of Fuzziness and Randomness often brought into modern manufacturing processes by the shortening product life cycles and diversification (in product designs, raw material supply etc) has compelled researchers to invoke quality control methodologies in their search for high customer satisfaction and better market shares (Guo et al 2006). We herein focus our attention on small sample sizes and focus on the development of quality control charts in terms of the Economic Design of Quality Control Charts; based on credibility measure theory under Random Fuzzy Measurements and Small Sample Asymptotic Distribution Theory. Economic process data will be collected from the study of Duncan (1956) in terms of these new developments as an illustrative example. or/Producer, otherwise they are undertaken with respect to the market as a whole. The techniques used for tackling the complex issues are diverse and wide-ranging as ascertained from the existing literature on the subject. The global ideology focuses on combining two streams of thought: the production optimisation and equilibrium techniques of the old monopolistic, cost-saving industry and; the new dynamic profit-maximising and risk-mitigating competitive industry. Financial engineering in a new and poorly understood market for electrical power must now take place in conjunction with - yet also constrained by - the physical production and distribution of the commodity.

Includes bibliographical references. .

