Facilitating trade in mineral resources : policy implications for trade between Africa, South Africa and East Asia

Master Thesis


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University of Cape Town

This thesis aims to carry out a comparative research to analyse the policies and countermeasures taken by various countries related to the trade in Rare Earth Elements (REEs). The similarity of the approaches of East Asian countries – China, Korea, and Japan – towards the African continent, and South Africa's mineral policies with the goal of national development provides the basis for the formulation of a SWOT Matrix analytical tool. As mineral resources, particularly REEs, have increased in significance with the advancement of modern technology, it will be valuable from an academic, business and political perspective to undertake such research in order to consider the optimal policy instruments that can benefit resource poor countries, such as Korea in particular, and resource rich countries such as South Africa. In Chapter 3, a number of proposals for Korea to establish rational policy systems to secure a stable REE supply chain will be put forward, followed in Chapter 4 by a SWOT Matrix analysis to provide some recommendations to South Africa for a number of policy instruments to meet its requirements of generating inclusive economic growth through establishing cooperative models.

Includes bibliographical references.

